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Indoor skiing craze sweeps Guangdong – Jinyang.com

Source: Yangcheng Evening News Yunshang Lingnan
Author: Liu Xingtong
Publication time: 2023-12-03 00:11

“Thinking of You in Guangzhou’s Giant Freezer” – Under the blue and white signboard, the atmosphere is filled with anticipation. A young girl in a red skiing suit stands beneath a sign on the snow-covered trail, holding a snowboard upright for a photo. Below the trail, numerous skiing enthusiasts are eagerly waiting in line at the magic carpet.

This scene unfolds daily at Guangzhou’s largest indoor skiing venue, the “Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle (Sunac Snow World),” located in the Huadu District.

In recent days, as outdoor skiing resorts in the north open for the season, indoor skiing facilities close to home have once again become a favorite among skiing enthusiasts in the south. According to data from Meituan, searches related to “indoor skiing” in Guangdong have surged by 295% since November. The Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle has already surpassed 3 million total visitors since its opening.

“Guangdong is the largest source of customers, accounting for nearly 60%, and there are also many consumers from neighboring provinces, cities, and Hongkong and Macao,” says Wei Jianyu, the marketing director of Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle. Ice and snow tourism has become a new consumption hotspot in the Greater Bay Area.

In recent years, the indoor skiing industry has experienced rapid growth in China.

According to the “2022-2023 China Ski Industry White Book,” there have been 50 new indoor skiing venues in China in 2022-2023, attracting a cumulative total of 3.65 million skiers, accounting for 18.41% of all skiing activities. The report also indicates that among the world’s top ten indoor skiing venues ranked by snow area, China holds half of the positions.

Since the conclusion of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the popularity of mass participation in ice and snow sports has continued to rise. Indoor skiing facilities are increasingly becoming popular tourist destinations in the southern region. This snow season, indoor skiing and ice and snow amusement products in the East and South China directions have shown higher levels of interest on major platforms.

It is reported that Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle has added new snow-themed attractions this year, such as the Tulip Flower Sea Snow Circle and Snowman World. Representatives from the resort state that the transformation of the snow-themed area has significantly enhanced the attractiveness of the products, leading to a continuous increase in the percentage of visitors engaging in snow-themed entertainment.

This year marks the first complete snow season in the post-Winter Olympics era, and the industry estimates that the 2023-2024 snow season will be the most prosperous in the last five years.

In the industry’s view, while southern regions have scarce ice and snow resources, the enthusiasm of the southern population for ice and snow activities has been high in recent years. With the hosting of events like the Winter Olympics and market cultivation, the popularity of skiing in the south is continually on the rise, creating a substantial market for ice and snow consumption in Guangdong.

“With the gradual increase in indoor ice and snow facilities and the boost from local service platforms, more and more people in the south are joining in. Ice and snow tourism will truly become a nationwide phenomenon, and consumer demand will be further unleashed,” pointed out industry insiders.

Hu Rui, who has been working as a skiing coach in Guangzhou for years and has won the championship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Skiing Elite Challenge, believes that Guangdong is making strides in cultivating young skiing talents. She sees great potential for the region to not only produce more skiing enthusiasts but also nurture its own skiing Olympic champions, thanks to favorable policies and conditions.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News

Guangdong welcomes indoor skiing consumption boom

“I miss you so much in Guangzhou Big Refrigerator” – the blue background and white lettering of the road sign is full of atmosphere. Under the road sign on the snow track, a young girl is wearing a red ski suit and raising her snowboard to take pictures; below the snow track, there are a large number of ski enthusiasts People are standing in line waiting in front of the magic carpet.

This is a daily scene of the Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle, the largest indoor ski resort in South China located in Huadu District, Guangzhou.

In the past few days, as outdoor ski resorts have opened in various parts of the north, the indoor ski resorts located at home have once again become a popular place for ski enthusiasts in the south. Meituan data shows that since November, searches related to “indoor skiing” in Guangdong have increased by 295% year-on-year. According to statistics from the ski resort, the total passenger flow of Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle has exceeded 3 million since its opening.

“Guangdong is the largest source of tourists, accounting for nearly 60%. There are also many consumers in neighboring cities, Hong Kong and Macao.” According to Wei Jianyu, marketing director of Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle, ice and snow tourism has become a new consumption hotspot in the Greater Bay Area. .

In recent years, the indoor ski resort industry has developed rapidly in my country.

According to the “2022-2023 China Ski Industry White Paper”, there will be 50 indoor ski resorts opened in China from 2022 to 2023, generating a total of 3.65 million skiers, accounting for 18.41% of all skiers. Relevant reports show that China accounts for half of the top ten indoor ski resorts in the world ranked by snow area size.

Since the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the popularity of public participation in ice and snow sports has continued to rise, and indoor ski resorts have become increasingly popular tourist destinations in the south. This year’s snow season, ice and snow travel products such as indoor skiing and ice and snow parks in East and South China are showing higher popularity on all major platforms.

The reporter learned that this year Guangzhou Hot Snow Miracle has added new snow entertainment projects such as Tulip Flower Snow Circle Road and Snowman World. Relevant people in the scenic area said that the transformation of the snow entertainment area has greatly improved the product strength, and the proportion of tourists participating in snow entertainment continues to rise. .

This year is the first complete snow season in the post-Winter Olympics era, and the industry predicts that the 2023-2024 snow season will be the busiest in the past five years.

From the perspective of the industry, ice and snow resources are scarce in the south, but in recent years people in the south have become very enthusiastic about participating in ice and snow tourism. With the holding of events such as the Winter Olympics and market cultivation, the popularity of skiing in the south is still increasing, and ice and snow consumption in Guangdong There is a huge market.

“With the increasing number of indoor ice and snow venues, and with the help of local service platforms, more and more southerners are joining in. Ice and snow tourism will become a true national tourism, and consumer demand will be further released.” Industry insiders pointed out.

Hu Rui, who has been working as a ski coach in Guangzhou for many years and has won the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Ski Elite Challenge, said that Guangdong is making great achievements in cultivating young ski talents. In her opinion, with favorable policies and conditions, Guangdong will not only have more ski enthusiasts emerge, but can also cultivate its own ski Olympic champions.

Text | Reporter Liu Xingtong
Picture | Provided by interviewee
Translated | Liu Jiahui
Editor | Wang Nan
Proofreading | Peng Jiye

2023-12-02 16:11:00

#Indoor #skiing #craze #sweeps #Guangdong #Jinyang.com

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