The National Food Agency (Bapanas) in Indonesia is urging citizens to reduce food waste and loss while preparing meals in order to secure food availability. Bapanas has initiated the “Indonesia Bebas Food Waste” (Indonesia Free of Food Waste) program to help support sustainable industries. The program seeks to encourage people to not use excessive ingredients while cooking, which can lead to food waste and loss. Costas Velis from the University of Leeds found that the world produces 1.3 billion tons of food waste every year with Indonesia alone producing between 23 and 48 tons per year. If well managed, this food waste could be used to feed 61 to 125 million people in Indonesia. In anticipation of the 2023 Eid al-Fitr celebrations, Bapanas has intensified its efforts to reduce food waste by urging the public to share excess food with those in need. The agency also encourages food ingredient entrepreneurs and distributors to be mindful of potential waste and to give excess ingredients to special agencies such as the Foodbank of Indonesia. These ingredients can then be processed and distributed to people who need them.