TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Head of Reporting Section of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Ali Fikri, stated that his party encourages strengthening collaboration and synergy of all stakeholders to reduce the level of corruption in Indonesia. According to Fikri, assessor Corruption Perceptions Index (GPA) includes many institutional performance achievement variables as well as the political, economic and social conditions of the community.
“So that the achievement becomes the responsibility as well as the joint role of all elements of the nation,” he said in a written release, Thursday, February 2, 2023.
Fikri said that on the anti-corruption education aspect, the KPK collaborated with many parties, both in Ministries or Institutions and Regional Governments (KLPD) as regulators.
“Schools or colleges as educational institutions, to the community as the target object of this anti-corruption education,” he said.
Meanwhile, on the aspect of preventing corruption, said Fikri, KPK has made various studies, identification and recommendations to various policy stakeholders. Because of that, he asked all parties to commit to following up on it.
“In order to close the gaps prone to corruption. So that we can create good governance practices,” he said.
Regarding the enforcement aspect, said Fikri, the KPK and other law enforcement officials must ensure that the implementation is in accordance with legal provisions and procedures. The goal, said Fikri, is to give a deterrent effect.
“Giving a deterrent effect to the perpetrators and optimizing the recovery of state financial losses (asset recovery),” he wrote.
Previously, the Transparency International agency stated that Indonesia’s GPA in 2022 had dropped. In this assessment, Indonesia got a score of 34 which shows a decrease of four points from 2021, namely 38. This point also made Indonesia’s GPA position drop to 110th out of 180 countries. Even though in 2021 Indonesia is in position 96.
Transparency International Indonesia (TII) stated that this decline was the most drastic since the reform era. According to them, the Corruption Perception Index score is generated from the views of business people regarding law enforcement issues and government policies. Entrepreneurs assess the weakness of law enforcement because law enforcement officers often participate in cawe-cawe activities so that they are caught in criminal acts of corruption. In terms of policy, the government is considered to have often made policies that only benefit certain groups.
President Jokowi also talk sparingly about the decline in the Corruption Perceptions Index. He only stated that this would be the government’s evaluation material.
“Yes, that will be our joint correction and evaluation,” Jokowi said in his statement, Thursday, February 2, 2023.