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Indonesian Woman Discovers Her Husband is Actually a Woman

An Indonesian woman discovered after getting married that her husband was actually a woman. (Picture/reproduced from Compass News)

Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts! There was a woman in Indonesia who met her husband through a friend’s introduction more than 20 years ago. The two soon developed into a relationship. Unexpectedly, during their honeymoon, the other party admitted that her real gender was female. This was hard for her to accept and she wanted to end the relationship. Unexpectedly, he received death threats. What is even more heartbreaking is that even though the police reported the crime but ignored it, she still did not give up and hoped to see her “husband” arrested one day.

according to“Compass”According to reports, the woman Ida Susanti was introduced to a man by a friend in 2000. The two tried to get to know each other and then started dating. At that time, she had no suspicion at all, and from the appearance, her partner looked like an ordinary man. The men were no different. “He said he liked me and finally asked my brother to propose.” Witnessed by their families and friends, the couple exchanged rings and signed a marriage certificate. In July of the same year, they went to Bangkok, Thailand for their honeymoon. .

Susanti failed to get a divorce and was threatened by the other party. (Picture/reproduced from Compass News)

Unexpectedly, during the honeymoon, the husband suddenly admitted that he was a woman and was going to get married, but he did not want to marry a wife and just needed a companion. After hearing the truth, Susanti planned to divorce, but the other party refused. She had no choice but to try to accept it, but a series of unlucky things happened. She was forced to take care of the other party’s parents and three adopted children, and had to endure domestic violence. He received death threats, his house was even sold, and he fled with the money.

Susanti reported the case and presented many evidences to accuse her, but received no response from the police. “I thought she would definitely be arrested, but it turned out that she was still at large until 2012.” It was not until the end of 2021 that she went to the police station to take care of her. As the case progressed, she learned that the files had been burned, and everything had to start from scratch. This made her exhausted, and she couldn’t help but break down and cry, “I’m just an ordinary little person, and I still hope that my ‘husband’ will be arrested.” .

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2023-10-01 11:08:35

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