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Indonesian Space Research and Innovations Unveiled at APRSAF Forum

ANTARIKSA — The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) reported on developments in Indonesian space research at the 29th International Forum, Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) on Tuesday (19/09). A number of domestic space achievements were revealed at the forum.

Indonesia considers space weather to be an important issue because of its large impact on human life and technology. In the Indonesia country report session, Head of the BRIN Space Research Center (PRA), Emanuel Sungging, revealed that Indonesia continues to conduct research on this matter by focusing on the application of space weather applications.

Emanuel said that the current focus of space weather research is on temporary solar events (transient solar event), plasma dynamics in the interplanetary medium, radiation doses that can affect human health. Then, environmental dynamics that influence human technology, and atmosphere-space integration using ground and space observations.

“Since before the integration period with BRIN, PRA-BRIN has been developing space weather applications Space Weather Information and Forecast Services (SWIFtS). “In 2016, SWIFtS entered the International Space Center Service (ISES) as Indonesia’s regional warning center, in addition to actively sharing evaluation and prediction results at both regional and national levels,” said Emanuel as reported by BRIN’s official website, brin. go.id.

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Emanuel said that Indonesia is also actively participating in Kibo-ABC activities such as Asian Herb in Space (AHIS) and Asian Try Zero G. In the Asian Herb in Space 2 mission, which is a program to send plant seeds into space, Indonesia also sent shallot and celery seeds. to the International Space Station (ISS).

To implement the AHIS program, PRA-BRIN coordinated with the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (SITH-ITB) and the experiment was carried out by Pradita Dirgantara High School students. “PRA-BRIN actively carries out dissemination regarding space research and observations, including observations of the solar eclipse on March 20 2023 which was broadcast live via the channel Youtube“, routine webinar activities for Popular Scientific Facts Chat Dialogue in Space Science (DOFIDA) and Weekly Colloquium on Space Research (LINEAR),” he said.

Regarding space observations, Emanuel explained that a new observatory is currently being developed which holds an important key to increasing capacity in the field of space science and technology in Indonesia. “Secondary mirror installation has been carried out at the Timau National Observatory, East Nusa Tenggara on July 26 2023,” he said. “Indonesia, he said, opens up opportunities for collaboration as widely as possible in utilizing observatories related to astronomy, astrophysics and space weather research activities, as well as developing astrotourism.”

On the same occasion, Director of JEM Kibo Utilization Center Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Masaki Shirakawa said, Indonesia was the host of the 29th APRSAF SFWG activities. The SFWG aims to explore new space frontiers, taking into account trends in the international space community engaging in space exploration activities.

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He explained that this working group discussed the use of the Japanese Kibo experimental module on the ISS, not only for scientific experiments, but also technology demonstrations for future space exploration missions. Then, discussing topics related to space exploration beyond the ISS.

“By using the Kibo module as a stepping stone for future space exploration, this working group aims to contribute to expanding space activities in the Asia-Pacific region to the moon and beyond,” he said. Source: BRIN

2023-09-20 09:02:00
#BRIN #Indonesia #Sends #Shallots #Celery #Space #Space #Space

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