Home » today » Business » Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association to Sue Government Over Unpaid Debt for Cooking Oil Program

Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association to Sue Government Over Unpaid Debt for Cooking Oil Program


The Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) will sue the government, in this case the Ministry of Trade, through the State Administrative Court (PTUN). The lawsuit will be carried out because the government has not paid off the debt for the one price program cooking oil (rafaction) which will be held in 2022.

“Aprindo ensures, will carry out, will continue the lawsuit to bring the rafaction issue into the realm of law. Of course, it will not back down, will not give up, will not be afraid, will not worry about anyone,” said General Chairman of Aprindo Roy Nicholas Mandey, in a press conference in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Thursday (18/1/2024).

According to him, the claimed debt of IDR 344 billion must be fulfilled by the government as the policy provider. Because for your information, the program was launched on January 19 2022 as an assignment to Aprindo to sell cheap cooking oil when the commodity price is expensive and the government will reimburse the difference through the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).


“Because this talks about the obligations that we must fulfill in accordance with the orders of the Minister of Trade, we have fulfilled our obligations but we have not received our rights,” stressed Roy.

Roy said that currently he is carrying out the process of fulfilling documents which also involves producers as actors involved in assigning the manufacturing program. For this reason, he has not confirmed when the lawsuit will be officially submitted to the PTUN.

“Because we need to ensure that our legal standing is fulfilled. Legal standing means that the agreement with the government does not go directly to retailers but to producers, so we need to work together with producers, distributors who have not been paid, and sue the government together,” he explained.

Roy said that his party really needed the role of producers in the process of suing the government. Because, the government must replace the difference in the price of cooking oil in the refraction program to producers first, then the producers will pass it on to retailers.

“So in our efforts to advance to the PTUN, the process continues to progress, until we find the completeness of the parties, namely that there are distributors and producers who have agreements with the government, so that BPDPKS promises to pay to producers, and after being paid to new producers “pays to retail. So now there are not enough parties, but enough parties to move forward,” he explained.

For information, the government debt related to the one price cooking oil (rafaction) cooking oil program has not been paid to entrepreneurs for two years.

As is known, the program was launched on January 19 2022 as an assignment to cooking oil producers and the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) to sell cheap cooking oil when commodity prices are expensive.

At that time, all entrepreneurs were asked to sell cooking oil for IDR 14,000 per liter, while the price of cooking oil on the market at that time was around IDR 17,000-20,000 per liter. So the difference in price or fraction in Minister of Trade Regulation 3 is stated to be paid by the government.

The problem arose when Minister of Trade Regulation 3 was replaced by Minister of Trade Regulation 6 of 2022. The new regulation canceled the old regulations regarding rafactions borne by the government. In fact, the government’s debt to entrepreneurs should still have to be paid.


2024-01-18 13:34:19
#Businessman #Immediately #Sues #Government #Due #Arrears #Cooking #Oil #Debt #IDR #Billion

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