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[1]: Tim Robotik SD Muhammadiyah Berprestasi di Kejuaraan Internasional METRO, Suara Muhammadiyah – Tim Robotik SD Muhammadiyah Metro Pusat mengukir prestasi gemilang dengan meraih berbagai penghargaan di international Islamic School Robot Olympiad (IISRO). Acara perlombaan berlangsung dari tanggal 27 hingga 29 oktober 2023 di Universiti Kuala Lumpur Mimet, Malaysia. Tim ini meraih prestasi sebagai Juara 1 dan 2 dalam kategori Line Tracer Micro First Step, serta …
URL: https://suaramuhammadiyah.id/read/tim-robotik-sd-muhammadiyah-berprestasi-di-kejuaraan-internasional
[2]: SD Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya Juara 2 National Future Robotic Competition KLIKMU.CO – Siswa-siswi SD Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya kembali menorehkan prestasi gemilang dalam ajang National Future robotic Competition yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas (Dispendik) Provinsi Jawa Timur, bekerja sama dengan SMKN 2 Surabaya. Keg ini berlangsung selama dua hari, 17-18 Desember, di Mall Maspion Square, Surabaya.
URL: https://klikmu.co/sd-muhammadiyah-18-surabaya-juara-2-national-future-robotic-competition/
[3]: Luar Biasa Hebat! Tim Robotika Mudipat Raih Gold Medal, Harumkan … MUDIPAT.CO - Alhamdulillah, Trio Tim Robotika SD Muhammadiyah 4 Pucang Surabaya (Mudipat) sukses mengharumkan nama Muhammadiyah dan nama Bangsa indonesia di kancah internasional. Adalah Audrey Almeera Rizky Pu…lso wants to increase the experience of competing again at other international levels. “Please pray for everything,” he said.
simultaneously occurring, Principal of Muhammadiyah 4 Pucang Surabaya Elementary School, Edy Susanto, appreciated the success of the Robotic M4 team at IPITEX. According to him this achievement is the fruit of a good team’s hard work. Thank you also to parents, coaches in building a solid and outstanding team.
“Alhamdulillah, I am proud of robotics children. Robotics achievements continue to be infinite.Thank you very much to all parents who have supported all of Ananda, “he said.
On the other hand, Robotics Trustees Endik Setyawan Ssi said the achievements of his students were extraordinary.Even though Audrey, Galena, and syasa are the first time participating in the innovation competition in Thailand. Even though they also came from different classes, namely grades 6 and 4.
“But with serious exercises and tireless,they can prove to be champions and won the gold medal,Alhamdulillah,” thankfully the 6th grade science teacher.
Endik hopes that in the future his students will participate in many national and international innovation competitions, so they can be experienced and can win gold medals again.
“Thanks to the head of the school. Edy and all the ustaz and ustzah are mad. And thanks to the parents for their prayers and support, ”he said.