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Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Working Visit to Paris and London


Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu). Retno Marsudi together with the foreign ministers of countries that are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) continued their working visit to Paris and London. This visit is still on a mission to raise support to stop Israel’s war on Gaza.

The visit took place on Wednesday (22/11/2023). The Foreign Ministers who participated were Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Nigeria, and the Secretary General of the Arab League. Retno conveyed a number of things that were discussed in London.

“The foreign ministers once again conveyed the purpose of their visit to several countries, namely to follow-up “The Joint OIC-Arab League Summit was held in Riyadh, 11 November, to gather support for resolving the Gaza problem,” said Retno in her statement, Thursday (23/11/2023).

During the meeting, Retno also talked about the importance of respect for international humanitarian law. He emphasized that even in war there are laws and rules. Among other things, protection of civil society and public facilities, including hospitals, is an important part of humanitarian law.

“I convey that Indonesian hospitals are one of the victims. I convey that for several days Indonesia has lost contact with Indonesian citizens who work in Indonesian hospitals. Once again I emphasize that protection of civil society is very important,” he said.

Then, Retno also mentioned that countries from the Global South had been listening a lot lectures about respect for human rights, about the importance of respect international law and international humanitarian law. Retno asked if everyone was there lecture here and values and this standard also applies to the Palestinian issue.

Apart from that, in London, Retno and other OIC Foreign Ministers met with the Foreign Secretary, David Cameron. Retno said that what was happening in Gaza had crossed the line and was completely unacceptable from any perspective, and from any values ​​or standards.

“Therefore, cruelty must be stopped immediately. Permanently ceasefire needed, and stop to attack humanitarian facilities and civil society,” he said.

Indonesia urges the UN Security Council to show moral responsibility to fight for justice and humanity. I convey that it is time for the values ​​often expressed by Western countries regarding respect for human rights and international law to also be applied to Palestine. Indonesia hopes that Britain will side with the struggle for justice and humanity,” he said.

Meeting Macron in Paris

The OIC Foreign Ministers met with French President Emmanuel Macron and continued with the French Foreign Minister. The foreign ministers welcomed Macron’s statement that there was none double standard for France in the problem in Gaza.

“The OIC Foreign Ministers again emphasized the importance ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian assistance. “In the meeting with the French Foreign Minister, the OIC Foreign Ministers’ hopes were further discussed regarding the need for a stronger and more comprehensive UNSC Resolution, especially regarding the issue of humanitarian assistance, and the OIC really hopes for support from France,” he said.


2023-11-23 15:07:56
#Retno #Marsudi #OIC #Foreign #Minister #ParisLondon #discuss #Gaza #results

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