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Indonesia Will Experience Days Without a Shadow, What Are the Impacts?

BERITASOLORAYA.com – Day without a shadow or better known as the culmination is a situation where the Sun is far from the Earth. The culmination is also known as istiwa’.

The main culmination in Indonesia is also known as the day without a shadow. When there is a day without a shadow, the sun is right above our heads. At that time, our shadow will not be visible because it is stacked against us.

Given Indonesia’s position around the equator, this phenomenon will occur twice a year and the time is not far from when the sun is at the equator. This was conveyed by the BMKG on Saturday, 11 February 2023.

The movement of the Sun at the equator occurs around March 21 and September 23 each year. However, these dates are not certain every year, bearing in mind that the position of the Sun from the Earth is constantly changing, along 23.50 LU- 23.50 LS.

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The rarity of this phenomenon in Indonesia has caused several impacts as a result of this phenomenon. Here is the impact of the culmination phenomenon.

3 The Impact of Culmination

The following are 3 impacts arising from the culmination in Indonesia, including:

1. Loss of Shadows

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