Home » today » Health » Indonesia ranks fifth with the largest number of people with diabetes in the world, what is the reason?

Indonesia ranks fifth with the largest number of people with diabetes in the world, what is the reason?


Indonesia has the fifth largest population of people with diabetes in the world.

Bobo.id – Did you guys know that Indonesia is in fifth place as a country with diabetics the most?

Quoted from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Atlas in 2021, Indonesia has the fifth most diabetics in the world.

In 2019, as many as 10.7 million people were affected by diabetes.

In 2020 yesterday, the number of people with diabetes increased by 18 million people.

Estimated people with diabetes in Indonesia can reach 28.57 million people in 2045, friends!

Quoted from Compassdiabetes is one of the disease which has attacked many Indonesians and threatened the safety of the lives of its victims since 2014.

In fact, diabetes is called the ‘mother of all diseases’ by many health experts.

What’s the reason, huh?

The Causes of Many Indonesians Affected by Diabetes

Also Read: The Difference Between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, Which Is More Dangerous?

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