Home » Health » Indonesia Confirms Three Cases of Type Two Polio Virus in Central and East Java

Indonesia Confirms Three Cases of Type Two Polio Virus in Central and East Java

Liputan6.com, Jakarta The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) confirmed the findings of three cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) caused by Type Two Polio Virus. These cases were discovered in Central Java and East Java at the end and beginning of 2024.

“In December 2023, two cases of acute paralysis caused by the Polio virus were discovered with different case chronologies. “One case of Polio immunization was incomplete, another had complete immunization status but was experiencing malnutrition,” said the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu.

Polio is a disease that is transmitted through water contaminated with feces containing the Polio virus. If the Polio virus enters the body of a child who has not received Polio immunization or is incomplete, the virus will easily reproduce in the digestive tract. Then, it attacks the nerves which causes paralysis.

To overcome and stop the transmission of the polio virus, the Ministry of Health appealed to the people in Central Java and East Java where the cases are currently located to play an active role.

First, The community must ensure that their children receive complete polio immunization according to age, namely 4 polio drops and 2 polio injections, before the age of 1 year.

Secondensuring that all children aged 0 to 7 years in all areas of Central Java and East Java provinces as well as Sleman Regency, DIY Province receive 2 additional doses of polio immunization drops during the National Immunization Sub Week (Sub PIN) activities which will be held starting January 15 2024.

Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Maxi Rein Rondonuwu regarding polio cases.

2024-01-07 01:08:40
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