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Indigestion in winter..6 tips to manage digestive problems naturally

Everyone sometimes faces digestive problems such as flatulence andacidity; Constipation, heartburn or even diarrhea, and some people are more prone to stomach disorders. While stomach problems are common among people and occur frequently, this does not mean that they are normal or permanent. You can always solve the problem and have better digestion.

According to Health, the condition of your gut can affect every other part of your body, including your skin, immune system, sleep cycle, heart, brain, and more. Food is broken down into nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino acids, fats and protein if digestion is healthy. These nutrients are then further absorbed into your bloodstream, where your entire body can use them for growth and repair by converting them into energy.

However, you may face a number of issues if your digestive health is out of balance.

7 ways to improve your digestion naturally:

1. Cut back on processed foods

These foods pose a great challenge to the digestive system. The body must provide the body with the nutrients and energy needed for metabolism, which robs the body’s reserves.

Moreover, they are low in fiber which can make digestion of food difficult and can aggravate intestinal issues such as acidity. Instead, choose whole foods because they are easy to digest.

2. Eat more fiber

Fiber helps maintain a healthy colon, makes stool soft, softens the effects of any toxic compounds, and helps remove bad bacteria. Aim to eat 8-11 servings of fiber per day consisting of vegetable and fruit juices, soups, salads, vegetables and whole grains. The fiber can also disinfect bacteria.

3. Increased stomach acidity

Low stomach acid leads to belching, gas, heartburn, headache, and fatigue. Try lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in your water in the morning

4. Eat these foods

Increase your intake of foods such as watercress, spinach, dill, turmeric, and kale. These foods can help stimulate the natural production of digestive enzymes and bile to break down the good more efficiently.

5. Add probiotics


This probiotic is full of beneficial bacteria that strengthen the immune system, reduce chronic inflammation and help treat leaky gut. Therefore, eat fermented foods like buttermilk and yogurt and probiotic supplements to keep your digestive system healthy and your stomach clean.

6. Chew your food

Chewing food helps to digest foods efficiently and quickly. Saliva contains many enzymes that aid digestion.

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