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India’s Aditya-L-1 Probe Arrives in Sun’s Orbit to Study Solar Phenomena

India announced that its “Aditya-L-1” probe to study our solar system arrived on Saturday in the orbit of the sun after a four-month journey to measure and monitor the outer layers of the sun and study coronal mass emission, a periodic phenomenon that translates into a massive discharge of plasma and magnetic energy from the atmosphere. of the sun, in addition to shedding light on several other solar phenomena through imaging and measuring molecules present in the sun’s upper atmosphere.
Media quoted the Indian Minister of Science and Technology, Jitendra Singh, as saying that the probe had reached its final orbit “to reveal the secrets of the relationship between the sun and the Earth,” describing the event as a new “milestone” in the Indian space program.
The probe, which was launched last September, covered a distance of 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, or only 1% of the distance that separates our planet from the star of the solar system. It is now at a point where the gravity of the two celestial bodies is balanced, allowing it to remain in a stable orbit around the sun.

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