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Indian variant threatens to delay English easing | Abroad

The government instituted a new lockdown at the beginning of this year and is now gradually phasing it out. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had hoped to make the final move on June 21. Then all restrictions on social contacts in England would have to lapse.

However, the authorities are very concerned about the new Indian variant of the virus. “We have seen over 1,300 cases of this. It will be the dominant virus variant in parts of the country, such as Bolton and Blackburn, ”said Minister Hancock. According to the minister, the variant can spread very quickly among unvaccinated people.

Consequences for relaxations

Prime Minister Johnson had already warned last week that the Indian variant could affect his plans to scrap the lockdown. According to him, the exact measures required depend on how contagious the variant is. The effectiveness of vaccines against the Indian mutant is also being investigated.

Johnson also announced that he would like to vaccinate people over 50 and vulnerable groups more quickly due to concerns about the Indian variant. According to the BBC, they will soon receive a second vaccine dose after eight weeks, while a waiting period of twelve weeks previously applied.

The United Kingdom is already one of the international leaders in the field of vaccination. Most British adults have already had a first shot and more than 36 percent have already been fully vaccinated. Minister Hancock said the initial research results suggest that vaccines work against the Indian variety.

“We are in a race between our vaccination program and the virus,” said the minister at Sky. “And the virus can speed up thanks to this new variant.”

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