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Indian male “daughter and male relationship complaints” headed for police after beheading his own daughter

It has nothing to do with the content of the article. Photo = Getty Image Korea-An Indian man who was arrested while heading to the police station on his own after beheading his 17-year-old daughter was shocked.

According to Indian media such as NDTV and multiple foreign media on the 4th (local time), police in the Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh in northern India arrested Sarvesi Kumar, a vegetable merchant the afternoon before. Kumar was arrested while holding her daughter’s neck to the police station.

Related photos and videos were also widely spread on social media, and nearby residents were terrorized by this bizarre gossip. Upon hearing the news, the police were dispatched immediately, and Kumar responded to the arrest. Kumar is said to have admitted the crime and said that he was “dissatisfied with his daughter’s relationship with the man.”

According to the police, he was arrested while walking toward a police station about 2km away from the house immediately after killing and damaging his daughter. Local police officer Anurag Bartz explained, “Kumar was angry a few days ago when he witnessed his daughter playing a strange scene with a young man and decided to punish his daughter.” The caste system tradition has been passed down deeply. In India, deaths often occur by family members who are married or dated from other classes of the opposite sex. This custom is called’Honorary Murder’ and it is estimated that hundreds of people are sacrificed each year in India.
Chi-Hoon Song, reporter of Donga.com [email protected]

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