The India Today Conclave 2023 witnessed an array of prominent personalities sharing their views on various topics. One such discussion involved the Finance Minister of Tamil Nadu, P.T.R Thiagarajan, who expressed his thoughts on the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. In his address, Thiagarajan shed light on the political scenario in Tamil Nadu and discussed how it relates to the national stage. With the country gearing up for the 2024 general elections, this conversation comes at a crucial time and holds significant importance in the current Indian political landscape. In this article, we delve deeper into Thiagarajan’s views on the Congress party and their leader Rahul Gandhi, and how it could impact India’s political future.
India Today Conclave 2023 witnessed some of the most eminent personalities and thought leaders come together to discuss and deliberate on some of the most pressing issues of our times. Among the key speakers were Tamil Nadu Finance Minister, P.T.R Thiagarajan and G20 Sherpa, Amitabh Kant. Both the leaders spoke at length about India’s vibrant democracy, its potential and the challenges it faces.
In a panel discussion, P.T.R Thiagarajan spoke about the recent political developments in India and the role played by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. He opined that Rahul Gandhi has greatly contributed towards enhancing the level of political discourse in India. He said that Rahul Gandhi’s views on certain issues may be controversial but it is important to have such voices in a democracy as it helps stimulate discussion and debate.
Thiagarajan went on to say that a democracy provides its citizens with the freedom to choose the government they want and this in turn enables the government to remain accountable to the people. He lauded India as a country that values and upholds its democratic traditions and beliefs. He stated that India has set an example for the world to follow and that this is something that the country should be proud of.
Echoing similar sentiments was Amitabh Kant, who also highlighted the importance of a vibrant democracy for the growth and development of a country. He said that India’s democratic legacy has played a crucial role in shaping the country’s destiny. He further added that it is only through democratic participation that people can bring about positive changes in their lives and communities.
Kant also spoke about India’s growing stature in the world and how it is perceived by other countries. He stated that India is viewed as a very lively and vibrant democracy by other nations. He added that India’s policies and practices have had a positive impact on the world and that this is largely due to the country’s democratic ethos.
During a live interview with India Today, both P.T.R Thiagarajan and Amitabh Kant discussed India’s 4-D. The 4-D encompasses democracy, demography, demand and digital. The two leaders discussed how these four factors have contributed to India’s growth and development story. They also talked about the challenges that the country faces in each of these areas and how these challenges can be overcome.
Thiagarajan emphasised the need to develop India’s human capital in order to fully realise the potential of the country’s demographic dividend. He said that investment in education and skill development is essential for the country to harness its young workforce. He also spoke about the need to focus on issues such as healthcare and gender parity in order to create a more equal and just society.
Kant, on the other hand, talked about the importance of digital technology and how it is transforming India. He said that India has the potential to become a global leader in digital technology and that the government is taking steps to promote this. He also spoke about the need to address issues related to data privacy and security in order to fully utilise the benefits of digital technology.
The India Today Conclave 2023 was a platform for thought leaders to come together and exchange ideas and views on topics of national and international significance. The insights shared by leaders like P.T.R Thiagarajan and Amitabh Kant were invaluable in understanding India’s strengths, potential and challenges. India’s democratic legacy, demographic dividend, growing demand and digital revolution are key factors that will shape India’s growth story in the years to come. It is important for the country to overcome its challenges and fully utilise its potential to emerge as a global leader.