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India Ranks 127th in Gender Equality Index: A Closer Look at the Progress and Challenges

Title: India Ranks 127th in Gender Equality Index, Shows Improvement but Lags Behind in Economic Security and Opportunities for Women

India has been ranked 127th in the Gender Equality Index released by the World Economic Forum, showcasing a significant improvement of eight places from the previous year. However, despite this progress, the country still faces challenges in achieving gender equality, particularly in terms of economic security and opportunities for women. This article will delve into the details of India’s ranking, highlighting its strengths and areas that require further attention.

India’s Ranking and Progress:
In the Gender Equality Index, India climbed from the 135th position to the 127th position out of 146 countries. This improvement reflects a positive trend towards gender equality in the country. India’s overall score on the index stands at 64.3 percent, indicating a gradual advancement in various aspects of gender equality.

Economic Security and Opportunities for Women:
While India has made strides in certain areas, it still lags behind in economic security and opportunities for women. The country scored only 36.7 percent in this category, highlighting the need for focused efforts to address the existing gender disparities in the workforce and economic participation. Enhancing women’s access to employment, equal pay, and leadership positions should be prioritized to bridge this gap.

Political Empowerment and Representation:
India’s score on political empowerment stands at 25.3 percent, indicating room for improvement in this crucial aspect of gender equality. However, there is a positive development to note. India has witnessed an improvement in the representation of women in Parliament, scoring 15.1 percent in this regard. This marks the first time since the report’s launch in 2006 that India has shown progress in women’s representation in Parliament. Additionally, India ranks among the top countries in terms of women’s presence in local self-government bodies, with 44.4 percent representation.

Education and Access:
India has made modest progress in terms of access to education, which is a significant factor in achieving gender equality. The report highlights that India has improved its representation of women in education, indicating a positive trend in this area. However, further efforts are needed to ensure equal access to education for girls and women across all regions of the country.

Challenges in Girl Child Health and Survival:
The report also sheds light on the challenges faced by India in terms of girl child health and survival. Vietnam, Azerbaijan, India, and China have the lowest rates in this regard. India’s gender equality rate at birth stands at 92.7 percent, indicating a need for focused attention on improving the health and survival rates of girl children.

India’s improved ranking in the Gender Equality Index is a positive sign of progress towards gender equality. However, the country still faces significant challenges, particularly in economic security and opportunities for women. It is crucial for policymakers, organizations, and society as a whole to work together to address these disparities and create an environment that fosters gender equality in all spheres of life. By empowering women economically, politically, and socially, India can strive towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all its citizens.

obstacles to women’s participation in politics

Rovement in women’s representation and participation in the political sphere. Despite having a female president and a small number of female ministers, women continue to be underrepresented at various levels of government and face barriers to political leadership. Encouraging women’s active participation in politics and ensuring their meaningful representation can contribute to a more inclusive and gender-equal society.

Education and Health:

India has achieved notable progress in education and health, scoring 92.7 percent and 96.3 percent, respectively. The country has made significant efforts to improve access to education for both girls and boys, resulting in a higher enrollment rate and decreased gender disparity in literacy rates. Additionally, India has made strides in improving women’s health through various initiatives aimed at reducing maternal mortality rates and improving access to healthcare services.


India’s ranking of 127th in the Gender Equality Index reflects the country’s progress in various aspects of gender equality. However, there is a need to address the existing gender disparities in economic security and opportunities for women. Efforts should focus on enhancing women’s access to employment, equal pay, and leadership positions. Additionally, increasing women’s representation in politics and continuing to improve access to education and healthcare can contribute to a more gender-equal society in India.

1 thought on “India Ranks 127th in Gender Equality Index: A Closer Look at the Progress and Challenges”

  1. India’s rank of 127th in the Gender Equality Index is a disappointing reflection of the progress made towards achieving gender equality. It highlights the urgent need for India to address the existing challenges and take concrete steps towards creating an inclusive society for all genders.


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