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India, “outcast” girl raped and killed by 4 men. The angry mob demands the death penalty

BANGKOK – Another case of rape inflames India, where more than a thousand women are victims of violence and sexual offenses every day.

The last episode features a 19-year-old Dalit “outcast” girl, abused and savagely killed by a herd of men of the highest wealth in the most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, at the top of the already disturbing ranking with almost 60 thousand complaints on the 370 thousand of the continent in 2018 alone.

The victim, whose name was not disclosed for privacy laws, struggled between life and death for two weeks before succumbing to the numerous injuries inflicted on her by four men who are now under arrest, while An investigation is underway, including the behavior of the police, accused by the family of having even had the body cremated against their will.

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The remains of the 19-year-old girl’s funeral pyre on the outskirts of the village of Bool Garhi, Hathras, Uttar Pradesh. Indian police were charged in September of having cremated the body against the will of his family

On September 14, the 19-year-old was in a field in Hatras, 200 kilometers from the capital Delhi, with her brother and mother, but she had gone away to collect grass. The rapists forcefully dragged her to a nearby area where her mother found her and immediately called the police. Transported to a nearby poorly equipped hospital, she was transferred at the insistence of relatives – who wanted to have her examined at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences – to another larger facility, not even this one adequate for the severity of the injuries.

The young woman had broken neck and back bones and according to the complaint she had also been cut off her tongue to prevent her from screaming.

The first medical examinations and the statements of the investigators excluded not only the fractures but the same suspicions that he had suffered sexual violence, fueling the anger that exploded from the first days and became uncontrollable when hundreds of demonstrators blocked the streets of the state demanding the sentence of death for the perpetrators and severe punishments against those responsible for delays and underestimations.

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At the head of Uttar Pradesh is a “holy man”, Yogi adityanath, repeatedly at the center of controversy and even ended up under arrest for his speeches inciting religious and racial hatred. Accused of never having wanted to pass important laws in favor of women, the chief minister, who always wears a saffron-colored robe of his religious order, went so far as to say during a rally that “if men develop feminine traits they become gods, but if women they develop masculine traits they become demons. “

In a tweet Adityanath revealed that he had received from the prime minister Narendra Modi, from his own BJP party, called for “severe action” to be taken against those responsible for the Hatras crime and yesterday appointed an investigative commission that will report the results within a week. But his colleague at the head of the Delhi government, Arvind Kejiriwal, explicitly accuses him of the climate of violence spread throughout the state. “The victim of Hathras – he tweeted – was sexually assaulted by some brutes and then by the whole system. It is extremely painful.”

The outrageous phrases were even more pronounced in the comments of other opposition politicians such as Priyanka gandhi, who asks for the resignation of the chief minister after speaking with her father who told her all the stages of the nightmare experienced from day one. “Last night – Priyanka said addressing Yogi Adityanath directly – (the family) was deprived of the ability to take her daughter home for the last time and perform the last rituals. Instead of protecting the victim and his family. , your government has become complicit by depriving her of every single human right, even in death. You have no moral right to continue as Chief Minister. “

The mass protests have also led to the arrest of some leaders of the “Bhim army”, a movement against atrocities on the Dalits that has mobilized its militants in the district of the accident and in other provinces of the state, where countless people continue to be episodes of intolerance towards the weakest categories of the Indian caste system.

In 2012, a student, nicknamed Nirbhaya, was raped aboard a public bus on the streets of Delhi. The revolt movement born after his rape had led to a tightening of the laws and the widespread application of the death penalty for those responsible, without unfortunately stopping the number of cases which according to statistics have actually increased since then. Last August in the village of Pakaria a 13-year-old Dalit girl was raped and strangled, forced to go to nearby fields because she did not have a bathroom in the house.

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