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India gets the first vaccine against Corona by next November

The latest media reports stated that the Indians will receive free batches of the COVID-19 vaccine within 73 days under the National Immunization Program (NIP), and this vaccine, which will be called Covishield in India, is being developed by the University of Oxford In collaboration with a Swedish multinational company and made by the Serum Institute of India (SII), the world’s largest vaccine producer.-

Sources from the Institute of Serology of India revealed, according to the “healthsite” report, that the Indian government had granted them a special license to expedite the trial protocol process, which is supposed to be completed within 58 days.

Indian Coffshield Vaccine

For his part, Federal Minister of Health Dr. Harsh Vardan expressed his hope that the Coronavirus vaccine would be ready in India by the end of 2020. He was quoted as saying, “One of our COVID-19 vaccine candidates is in the third phase of the clinical trial. We are very confident. Of course, a vaccine will be developed by the end of this year. ”

Story of Coffeeshield vaccine trials

Covishield reportedly entered the third phase of clinical trials yesterday (Aug.22), with the first dose of the vaccine administered to volunteers, the second doses will begin after 29 days and the final results of the phase three trial will expire in another 15 days.

According to a senior official from the vaccines institute of India, he said: “By then, we are planning to commercialize Covishield. Phase 3 trials of this vaccine have begun in 17 centers in India with 1,600 volunteers.

Initial results from Covishield’s previous experiments confirmed that this vaccine is safe, and scientists also noted that it succeeded in stimulating a T-cell (immune cell) response within 14 days of vaccination and an antibody response within 28 days.

How will Covishield work?

This vaccine was developed with a weakened strain of the common cold adenovirus derived from chimpanzees, and was genetically modified to ensure that it was unable to infect humans, and the adenovirus was also injected with genetic material from the surface protein of SARS-CoV-2, known as glycoprotein spike ( S), as this high protein helps the new coronavirus to infiltrate the human body and cause infection.-

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