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India exceeds 20 million cases of COVID-19 | The World | DW

India on Tuesday surpassed 20 million SARS CoV 2 infections since the beginning of the pandemic, registering 357,229 new cases in the last 24 hours, amid a virulent second wave that has put the Asian country’s health system to the limit .

The country also recorded 3,449 deaths in 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths to 222,408 according to the latest data from the Indian Ministry of Health, an official figure that according to many experts could actually be higher.

Despite the new record, the new figures represent a drop for the third consecutive day in the number of infections, although not deaths, after the Asian country surpassed the barrier of 400,000 positives for the first time last Saturday (01.05.2021) .

India continues to be the second country in the world most affected by the pandemic in absolute terms, behind the United States, which already has 32.4 million infections according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University.

The Asian country is mired in a dizzying second wave of the virus, which has not stopped growing since last February and has put its health system to the limit, with oxygen shortages and beds in large cities such as New Delhi. For this reason, more than 40 countries have begun to send aid to cooperate in the fight against the pandemic, including ventilators and medical equipment, in addition to oxygen generators, cylinders, concentrators and regulators.

The current lack of control of infections is attributed to the relaxation of measures, mass political and religious encounters and the appearance of the Indian variant of the virus called “double mutant” (B.1.617) that would be more contagious and aggressive than those known so far .

mn (EFE, AFP)

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