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Index – Interior – Viktor Orbán: My task is to improve trade relations between China and the EU

During Chinese President Xi Jinping’s three-day visit to Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave an interview to Chinese state media. During the nearly half-hour conversation, the prime minister also talked about, among other things, the completion of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line by 2026. He even invited the Chinese reporter to take a train ride together when it was finished, writes a 444.hu.

The Prime Minister also praised China’s economic achievements and development at length, and described Hungary as the easternmost country in the West, an ancient nation, and open to opening up to the East. It was also said that both countries are on the side of peace.

China and Hungary never supported the war. Because we think war brings bad things to people. So peace is much better, harmony is much better, cooperation is much better. So, we hope that China will play an important peacemaking position or role in the future

Viktor Orbán told the reporter.

It is becoming the powerhouse of the world

The prime minister also stated that the meeting of advanced Chinese technologies and excellent Hungarian skilled labor can bring outstanding results, and then he spoke about the fact that, although transatlantic cooperation was indisputably superior for a long time, the center of power in the world is currently changing.

The question, according to him, is how we look at the actors who have become challengers to this old center of power. According to him, many people experience this as a threat, even though “China should be seen as an opportunity, not a risk or a threat”, because “cooperation and connection are always better than isolation and separation”.

Regarding the expansion of Chinese companies and investors in Hungary, he said: it was not difficult for them to convince each other that Hungary could be a good place for a large Chinese company to come and establish the first electric car factory in Hungary, because they trust each other and have a politically well-established relationship . “And let’s not forget that although we are a country of only 10 million people, we belong to a community of more than 400 million people,” he added.

Viktor Orbán’s goal is to improve trade relations between China and the European Union

The upcoming Hungarian EU presidency was also discussed, and how Hungary will try to manage the diplomatic relations between China and the European Union. Viktor Orbán answered this as follows:

The European Union is the most complicated creature in the world. Hungary will arrive from July 1 to help the progress of the union. One of the problems is the relationship with the Chinese, that’s not a question. My task in this six-month presidency will be to improve trade relations between China and the European Union and stop all attempts to reduce the quantity and quality of the relationship between them. It will be a complicated question, but I have good partners – for example, France and Serbia.

At the end of the interview, the reporter asked Orbán how his passion for football influenced him. “The essence of football is exactly the same as the essence of politics. Because the question is not where the ball is now. Everyone can see where the ball is now. The question is where the ball will be. It’s about vision. About thinking ahead,” the prime minister replied, then noted that he likes patience the most in China.

As we wrote, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a two-day visit to Budapest between May 8 and May 10. The two countries have entered into a strategic partnership, and the cooperation will be extended to the nuclear industry as well.

We wrote in detail here about how the international press saw the meeting between Viktor Orbán and Xi Jinping in Budapest.

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