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Index – FOMO – Péter Rudolf had a huge fall on the set of Gólkirályság

In the RTL series, Péter Rudolf trained soccer players by jumping on a special self-balancing device, but the actor revealed that not everything went smoothly on the set.

It is actor Péter Rudolf, director of the Vígszínház RTLFocusban stated the Goal scoring regarding the Saturday episode of the comedy series. As he said, he has been playing soccer since he was young, and his grandfather was already a professional soccer player.

Football remained a hobby in his life, and everyone in his family is a sports fan. Regarding whether she thinks a woman can be a coach in a men’s team, she said: it would be time to accept that knowledge is more important than someone’s gender. “The virtues of the two sexes can complement each other very well, and it can be very exciting,” he said.

He also mentioned that the most exciting thing for him during the filming of Saturday’s episode was riding the Segway. Before the recording, he practiced a lot and raced confidently on the self-balancing, two-wheeled, electric-powered device, but he still fell with it.

It had serious consequences. They say that after the first 20 minutes when a person’s face gets big, it falls off. I wouldn’t even finish this train of thought…

– stated the actor, but added that he was not seriously injured.

The Goal Kingdom a Our little village is the latest weekly series of its creators, in which viewers can get a glimpse into the everyday life of a not very successful football team in a large village, which – by chance – hires a female coach. In the series, in addition to Rozi Lovas, Gábor Hevér, János Sarkadi Kiss, Zoltán Schmied, András Mészáros, Dóra Sztarenki, Dóra Szinetár, Norbert Mohácsi, Márk Márfi and Zalán Kisari portray the main characters.

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