According to the authorities, 995 educational institutions, 110 bank branches and 40 consumer electronics stores received an e-mail on the basis of which bomb alarms were ordered.
The number of bomb threats is extremely high. The police are working full force to check the security of the affected buildings and to identify the people behind the threats
the police wrote on their social media page.
The cases are investigated by a special unit, the National Crime Prosecution Agency (NAKA), which initiated proceedings under the title of terrorist threat. In Slovakia, the perpetrator of such a crime can be sentenced to imprisonment for twenty to twenty-five years, sometimes life imprisonment.
According to MTI, the text of the e-mails containing the bomb threat was not published by the police, but by several news portals. The letters are in Slovak and contain Islamist threats.
“In your cities, the Mujahideen will kill you wherever you are. There is a bomb on the school grounds,” quoted the first sentences of a typical e-mail, for example, by the Hungarian news portal ma7-sk.
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