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Independent labor | Dubé wants to get rid of agencies in less than three years

(Quebec) Criticized for the absence of targets and timetables in his Health Plan, Christian Dubé is now setting himself the goal of weaning the public network of placement agencies within three years. To achieve this, it intends to set targets by region given the inability of certain establishments to do without it.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

“I want to free myself from the agencies over the next few years, but I want to respect the fact that it’s a bigger problem in the regions,” explained the Minister of Health and Social Services, in an interview with The Press.

Asked about the timeline, Mr. Dubé says it will be done in less than three years. “There are places where it will be faster than that,” he slices.

I think we will have to look at this by region. It will be much easier to do that in Montreal than in Abitibi or on the North Shore.

Christian Dubé, Minister of Health and Social Services

Christian Dubé, who presented his recovery plan for the health network at the end of March, recalls that his Deputy Minister of Health, Dominique Savoie, is working on a detailed plan for the decentralization and reorganization of work. “By region, I think we will set ourselves very specific objectives,” said the minister.

The case of the CISSS de la Côte-Nord

The Press visited the CISSS de la Côte-Nord, where the use of agencies has literally exploded in recent years. A trend that began long before the pandemic. The establishment anticipates for the coming year a budget deficit of 65 million, of which “65 to 70%” attributable to the independent workforce.

Entire departments of the Sept-Îles hospital could not operate without resorting to agencies.

The CISSS de la Côte-Nord multiplies its interventions with the MSSS to identify solutions specific to the regions. Abitibi-Témiscamingue is also particularly affected by the lack of manpower. Most of these attempts are carried out in concert with other establishments in remote regions.

They notably raised their hands last fall, when Minister Christian Dubé asked all CEOs to submit to him at the 1is December a plan to get rid of the agencies. “We said that for us, it was not a possibility,” explains the president and CEO of the CISSS de la Côte-Nord, Manon Asselin.

One of the avenues explored on the North Shore is the creation of a public manpower agency, which, much like a private agency, would rely on a pool of workers capable of helping out the regions.

An option to which Christain Dubé says he is “open”.

“These are things that we will look at with Mr.me Savoy”, specifies the Minister. “I’m open to that because one of the issues is that the independent workforce in Sept-Îles isn’t local, it comes from Montreal. So as long as move people there […], why wouldn’t it be government employees? »


Dominique Savoie, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health and Social Services

Less than 2% of agency workers working at the CISSS de la Côte-Nord come from the region. If we abolish the use of agencies all of a sudden, “I have 98% of this workforce going back to the major centers,” illustrates Manon Asselin, who admits that the effects would be “disastrous” on services.

“Everything is on the table”, says the minister

According to the CISSS de la Côte-Nord, the public network “would benefit” from offering more flexibility to health care workers if it introduced conditions similar to those of the agencies. The possibility of choosing your schedules, for example, or of “doing blitzes” in different sectors, lists the director of financial resources, Jean-Philippe Comtois.

The establishment also proposed to the MSSS to allow network workers to commute, which is called fly-in, fly-outin rather isolated areas of the territory, such as on the Lower North Shore.

“Right now, everything is on the table,” responds the minister to these proposals. “But you have to understand our grand vision [de notre Plan santé]and that’s becoming an employer of choice, so that’s going to guide me in [mes décisions] “, adds Christian Dubé, who hopes to bring workers back into the public.

Mr. Dubé says he wants to change the work environment of the network by focusing on work-family balance and by implementing local management of schedules. A pilot project in each establishment must also be deployed. He also wants to replenish the network of local schedule managers.

Opposition reactions

The end of the TSO claimed


Monsef Derraji, Liberal MP for Nelligan

According to the Liberal Party of Quebec, the solution to reducing the use of agencies inevitably involves the abolition of “compulsory overtime” (TSO) and the improvement of working conditions which are at the origin of the flight of nurses from the network to private. “What worries me a lot is the mandatory overtime. If the government does not sit down with the FIQ [syndicat infirmier] to find solutions for attractiveness, for working conditions so that we manage the schedule locally, we will have this problem for years. […] The government is hitting a wall with the labor shortage,” said MP Monsef Derraji. We must also give more power to the regions and put an end to the “wall-to-wall” situation by allowing them to identify and deploy the solutions that suit them. A proposal that echoes the Charter of the Regions presented in April by the Liberal leader, Dominique Anglade.

For a “special status”


Émilise Lessard-Therrien, Solidarity MNA for Rouyn-Noranda–Témiscamingue

The MNA for Rouyn-Noranda–Témiscamingue, Émilise Lessard-Therrien, is well aware of the harmful effects of using private agencies, when the situation is particularly difficult at the CISSS de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue. “It’s a scourge”, launches the elected representative. His political formation has also presented a plan to wean itself off agencies over three years. A goal that holds up even in remote areas, she believes. “It’s realistic from the moment we give ourselves the conditions to get there. […] We are claiming a special status for these regions, ”she illustrates. This status could authorize the CISSS to obtain financial support to implement staff retention and attraction measures, which would be “adjusted according to regional needs”.

A deadline to set


Joël Arseneau, parliamentary leader of the Parti Québécois

The Parti Québécois proposes to abolish recourse to agencies by first setting a deadline. “To achieve this objective of reducing this expenditure from one billion to zero [coût du recours aux agences pour l’ensemble du réseau en 2020-2021], means must be put in place, but why not set the objective to force the State and the CISSSs to achieve it? asks the parliamentary leader of the Parti Québécois, Joël Arseneau. His training also criticizes Minister Christian Dubé for not establishing a clear timetable for achieving his targets. “I don’t think we will succeed if we don’t tell agency workers that we want to reintegrate them into the network and that from a certain date, they will no longer have the option of working in the network,” he adds. The Parti Québécois will also reveal “in what space-time” it intends to achieve this within a few weeks, as well as its proposals to improve working conditions in the sector.

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