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Independent HIV/AIDS Testing Services in Ambon City: Prevent Transmission and Protect Your Health

Positive for HIV (illustration). The Ambon Health Office invites residents to carry out independent HIV/AIDS tests.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON — The Ambon City Health Service (Dinkes) invites the public to carry out independent HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) tests. This is to prevent transmission of viruses that attack the immune system.

Head of the Ambon City Health Service, Wendy Pelupessy, said that people want to access counseling and testing services HIV You can visit health facilities in Ambon City, including hospitals, health centers and clinics, or through the free Independent Oral Fluid Test (OFT) HIV screening service. He said that the OFT examination is an alternative for the community, because it can be used independently by simply rubbing the tip of the tool on the upper and lower gums to obtain a saliva sample.

Socialization efforts, he said, continue to be carried out in communities to carry out their own tests. Meanwhile, free examination services are available, among others, at the Molecular Rapid Test Laboratory at Haulussy Hospital, PKM Waihaong, and the Ambon Health Laboratory Center.

From January to June 2023, 13,755 people underwent HIV testing at health service facilities in Ambon City. “Our target is that in 2023 there will be 30 thousand people undergoing examinations, of course this is still a long way off, we continue to hope that there will be self-awareness among the public to have their health checked,” he said.

The target of blood tests is for TB sufferers, because people who are infected with HIV are susceptible to TB disease. Apart from that, it is also carried out on pregnant women, because one way of spreading HIV/AIDS can be through pregnant women to babies, either during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

The examination, he continued, can be carried out for free at the Rapid Molecular Testing (TCM) laboratory at Haulussy Regional Hospital, PKM Waihaong, and the Ambon Health Laboratory Center (BLK). Apart from that, there are 34 health service facilities, namely 22 community health centers in Ambon City, government and private hospitals, and the Candela Clinic.

source: Between

2023-09-15 15:57:55
#Ambon #Health #Office #Invites #People #Independent #HIV #Tests #Republika #Online

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