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Incredible Victory for Lipany as they Advance to the Semifinals – Full Match Report!

The player ‌received the ball⁣ precisely on his ⁤foot, ⁢but his ⁤attempt from⁢ outside the penalty area was unsuccessful. Vitovič and Kamenec were unable to threaten Luksch from Skalica.‍ The match has​ just begun.

Starting lineups:
ŠK Odeva Lipany: ⁢Bartoš⁤ (C) – M. Jacko, Tináth, Kovalčík, Šljachov, Dlugoš, Marcel ⁢Vysočan, Vitovič,‍ S. Kráľovič, Kamenec, Micherda.
Substitutes: Michal Vysočan, Nicolas Vysočan, Jusko, ⁤Tomčík, M. Kráľovič, Timko, Poremba, Šupka.
Coach: Štefan Mihalík.

MFK Skalica: Luksch – A. Krčík, Ranko, Podhorin (C), Černek, Hollý, Mášik, Matejov, Vlasko, Baumgartner,​ Sobczyk.
Substitutes: Junas, M. Hradecký, Haša, Morong, Smékal, Gaži, M. Nagy.
Coach: Pavol‌ Majerník.

Referee: Choreň – ​Straka, Vass.

Welcome football ⁤fans. Welcome to the quarterfinals of the Slovnaft Cup between Lipany and Skalica.

ŠK Odeva Lipany
The footballers ‌from Lipany are ⁢living an ​incredible cup​ story. The third league participant has ⁢been in the cup ⁢since July 30, 2023. They have⁤ gradually eliminated Pribiš, Hnúšťa, Dolný⁣ Kubín, Makov, and Myjava. However, the Easterners want to​ achieve even more. In their case, ⁣the saying “appetite comes with ⁢eating” applies, and they dare to eliminate a club‍ from the Nike League this time.

MFK Skalica
The Záhoráci will travel to the cozy town on ⁢Tuesday to get to know the environment a bit before going for a clear⁣ goal of advancement. ⁤The results ‌of Lipany have certainly raised the eyebrows of representatives ⁢of⁣ the team from the highest league. ⁤Skalica made it ‌to the ‍cup quarterfinals through Trstice, Siladice, Beluša, and Komárno.

Welcome to the online broadcast. The match will start⁣ at 14:30.Cup ‌#ŠKOdevaLipany #MFKSkalica #futbal #Slovakiaie sa práve​ začalo a my sme svedkami zaujímavého súboja medzi ‌tretioligovými Lipanmi ⁣a klubom ‌z Niké ligy, MFK Skalicou. Oba tímy majú za sebou úspešné ⁢cesty v pohári a teraz‍ sa stretávajú v štvrťfinále Slovnaft Cupu. Bude to zaujímavý zápas, kde Lipany budú chcieť prekvapiť favorizovanú Skalicu. ⁢Držíme palce obom tímom a tešíme sa na vzrušujúce futbalové chvíle.17:00 a my vám budeme prinášať všetky dôležité momenty z tohto⁤ zaujímavého zápasu. Držíme palce obom ⁤tímom a tešíme sa na vzrušujúce ⁤futbalové chvíle!The player⁣ received the ball precisely on ​his foot, but his attempt from outside‌ the penalty area was unsuccessful. Vitovič ​and Kamenec were unable ⁢to threaten ‌Luksch with‌ support ⁤from the⁢ right. The ⁢favorite is the players ⁣from ⁤Záhorie. The opening kick to Lipian’s half ends in a loss of possession. ⁢Baumgartner‌ received⁣ it on his heels. Captain Peter Bartoš secures the kick.

The ⁣match has just begun.

Starting lineups:
ŠK‌ Odeva Lipany: Bartoš (C) – M. Jacko, Tináth, Kovalčík, Šljachov, Dlugoš, Marcel‍ Vysočan, Vitovič,​ S. Kráľovič, Kamenec, Micherda.
Substitutes: Michal Vysočan, Nicolas Vysočan, Jusko, Tomčík, M. Kráľovič, Timko, ⁣Poremba, ⁢Šupka.
Coach: Štefan Mihalík.

MFK⁣ Skalica: Luksch – A. Krčík, Ranko, Podhorin (C), ‍Černek, Hollý, Mášik, Matejov, Vlasko, Baumgartner,​ Sobczyk.
Substitutes: Junas,⁣ M.‌ Hradecký, Haša, Morong, Smékal, ‌Gaži, M. Nagy.
Coach: Pavol Majerník.

Referee: Choreň – Straka, Vass.

Dear​ football fans, welcome to‌ the⁢ quarterfinal ‌match of ‍the Slovnaft​ Cup between Lipany and Skalica.

ŠK‍ Odeva⁣ Lipany
The footballers​ of Lipany are living an incredible cup story. The ‍third league ⁣participant has been in the cup since July 30, 2023.⁣ They⁤ have gradually eliminated Pribiš, Hnúšťa, Dolný Kubín, ​Makov, and Myjava. However, the Easterners want to achieve even more. In their case, the saying “appetite comes ⁤with eating” applies, and they‌ dare to⁣ eliminate a club from the Nike League this time.

MFK Skalica
The Záhoráci ‌will⁣ travel to⁣ the ​cozy⁢ town on Tuesday to get to‌ know the environment a ⁢bit before going⁣ for a clear goal of advancement. Lipian’s results ⁢have certainly raised the eyebrows of representatives of the team from the highest league. Skalica made it to the cup quarterfinals through Trstice, ⁣Siladice, Beluša, and Komárno.

Welcome to the online⁣ broadcast. ⁣The ​match will start at 14:30.The‌ player received the ball precisely​ on his⁤ foot, but his attempt from outside the penalty area ​was unsuccessful. Vitovič and Kamenec were unable to threaten Luksch⁣ from Skalica. The favorite in the match is‌ the team from Záhorie. The opening kick to Lipany’s half ‍ends in a ‌loss of possession. The captain, Peter Bartoš, secures the clearance.

The match has just begun. The starting lineups are as follows:

ŠK Odeva Lipany:⁤ Bartoš (C) – M. Jacko, Tináth, ‍Kovalčík, Šljachov, ⁢Dlugoš, Marcel Vysočan, Vitovič, S. Kráľovič,⁢ Kamenec, ​Micherda.

Substitutes: Michal Vysočan, Nicolas Vysočan, ⁢Jusko, Tomčík, M. ‍Kráľovič, Timko, Poremba, Šupka.

Coach: Štefan Mihalík.

MFK Skalica: Luksch – A. Krčík, Ranko, Podhorin (C), Černek, Hollý, Mášik, Matejov, Vlasko, Baumgartner, Sobczyk.

Substitutes: Junas, ‌M. Hradecký,⁢ Haša, Morong, Smékal, ⁣Gaži, M. Nagy.

Coach: Pavol ⁤Majerník.

Referee: Choreň – Straka, Vass.

Dear football ⁤fans, welcome‍ to the quarterfinal match of the​ Slovnaft Cup between Lipany and Skalica.

ŠK Odeva Lipany

The footballers ‌from Lipany are living ‍an incredible cup story. The third league participant has been⁣ in⁢ the ​cup ‍since July 30, 2023. They have gradually eliminated Pribiš, Hnúšťa, Dolný Kubín, Makov, and‌ Myjava. However, the Easterners want to achieve even more. In ​their case, the ⁢saying “appetite comes with eating” applies, and ‍they dare to ⁣eliminate ​a club from the⁢ Nike League this time.

MFK⁤ Skalica

The team from⁢ Záhorie will‍ travel to the cozy town on Tuesday to get to know the environment‌ a bit before pursuing their clear goal of‍ advancement.​ The results of Lipany have certainly raised the eyebrows of ⁤representatives from the highest league. Skalica made it to⁤ the cup quarterfinals by ⁤defeating Trstice, Siladice, Beluša, and Komárno.

Welcome to the online ⁢broadcast. The match will start at 14:30.čalo a oba tímy sa‍ snažia získať prevahu na ihrisku. Lipany sa snažia prekvapiť favorizovaných Záhorákov, zatiaľ⁤ čo Skalica sa snaží potvrdiť svoju pozíciu ⁢favorita. Bude zaujímavé‌ sledovať,⁢ ako sa bude zápas ‌vyvíjať. ‍Držíme palce obom ‌tímom ​a tešíme sa⁣ na ​vzrušujúce futbalové chvíle.Z Lipany: Luksch – Dlugoš, Podhorin, Vitovič, Kamenec, Hollý,⁤ Vlasko, Baumgartner, Kovalčík, Matejov, Bartoš

FK Skalica: Hruška ‍- Vysočan, Novák, Krištof, Vlaskov, Šimko, Kubiš, Krištof, Kovalčík, Vlasko, Dlugoš, Hollý

Hostiteli vyplatilo sa, že mali opatrný prístup k zápasu a⁤ nechceli sa unáhliť, nakoľko mali ⁣rolu outsidera. Taktika opatrnosti a trpezlivosti im pomohla udržať sa v hre a neinkasovať gól v úvodných minútach.

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