The player received the ball precisely on his foot, but his attempt from outside the penalty area was unsuccessful. Vitovič and Kamenec were unable to threaten Luksch from Skalica. The match has just begun.
Starting lineups:
ŠK Odeva Lipany: Bartoš (C) – M. Jacko, Tináth, Kovalčík, Šljachov, Dlugoš, Marcel Vysočan, Vitovič, S. Kráľovič, Kamenec, Micherda.
Substitutes: Michal Vysočan, Nicolas Vysočan, Jusko, Tomčík, M. Kráľovič, Timko, Poremba, Šupka.
Coach: Štefan Mihalík.
MFK Skalica: Luksch – A. Krčík, Ranko, Podhorin (C), Černek, Hollý, Mášik, Matejov, Vlasko, Baumgartner, Sobczyk.
Substitutes: Junas, M. Hradecký, Haša, Morong, Smékal, Gaži, M. Nagy.
Coach: Pavol Majerník.
Referee: Choreň – Straka, Vass.
Welcome football fans. Welcome to the quarterfinals of the Slovnaft Cup between Lipany and Skalica.
ŠK Odeva Lipany
The footballers from Lipany are living an incredible cup story. The third league participant has been in the cup since July 30, 2023. They have gradually eliminated Pribiš, Hnúšťa, Dolný Kubín, Makov, and Myjava. However, the Easterners want to achieve even more. In their case, the saying “appetite comes with eating” applies, and they dare to eliminate a club from the Nike League this time.
MFK Skalica
The Záhoráci will travel to the cozy town on Tuesday to get to know the environment a bit before going for a clear goal of advancement. The results of Lipany have certainly raised the eyebrows of representatives of the team from the highest league. Skalica made it to the cup quarterfinals through Trstice, Siladice, Beluša, and Komárno.
Welcome to the online broadcast. The match will start at 14:30.Cup #ŠKOdevaLipany #MFKSkalica #futbal #Slovakiaie sa práve začalo a my sme svedkami zaujímavého súboja medzi tretioligovými Lipanmi a klubom z Niké ligy, MFK Skalicou. Oba tímy majú za sebou úspešné cesty v pohári a teraz sa stretávajú v štvrťfinále Slovnaft Cupu. Bude to zaujímavý zápas, kde Lipany budú chcieť prekvapiť favorizovanú Skalicu. Držíme palce obom tímom a tešíme sa na vzrušujúce futbalové chvíle.17:00 a my vám budeme prinášať všetky dôležité momenty z tohto zaujímavého zápasu. Držíme palce obom tímom a tešíme sa na vzrušujúce futbalové chvíle!The player received the ball precisely on his foot, but his attempt from outside the penalty area was unsuccessful. Vitovič and Kamenec were unable to threaten Luksch with support from the right. The favorite is the players from Záhorie. The opening kick to Lipian’s half ends in a loss of possession. Baumgartner received it on his heels. Captain Peter Bartoš secures the kick.
The match has just begun.
Starting lineups:
ŠK Odeva Lipany: Bartoš (C) – M. Jacko, Tináth, Kovalčík, Šljachov, Dlugoš, Marcel Vysočan, Vitovič, S. Kráľovič, Kamenec, Micherda.
Substitutes: Michal Vysočan, Nicolas Vysočan, Jusko, Tomčík, M. Kráľovič, Timko, Poremba, Šupka.
Coach: Štefan Mihalík.
MFK Skalica: Luksch – A. Krčík, Ranko, Podhorin (C), Černek, Hollý, Mášik, Matejov, Vlasko, Baumgartner, Sobczyk.
Substitutes: Junas, M. Hradecký, Haša, Morong, Smékal, Gaži, M. Nagy.
Coach: Pavol Majerník.
Referee: Choreň – Straka, Vass.
Dear football fans, welcome to the quarterfinal match of the Slovnaft Cup between Lipany and Skalica.
ŠK Odeva Lipany
The footballers of Lipany are living an incredible cup story. The third league participant has been in the cup since July 30, 2023. They have gradually eliminated Pribiš, Hnúšťa, Dolný Kubín, Makov, and Myjava. However, the Easterners want to achieve even more. In their case, the saying “appetite comes with eating” applies, and they dare to eliminate a club from the Nike League this time.
MFK Skalica
The Záhoráci will travel to the cozy town on Tuesday to get to know the environment a bit before going for a clear goal of advancement. Lipian’s results have certainly raised the eyebrows of representatives of the team from the highest league. Skalica made it to the cup quarterfinals through Trstice, Siladice, Beluša, and Komárno.
Welcome to the online broadcast. The match will start at 14:30.The player received the ball precisely on his foot, but his attempt from outside the penalty area was unsuccessful. Vitovič and Kamenec were unable to threaten Luksch from Skalica. The favorite in the match is the team from Záhorie. The opening kick to Lipany’s half ends in a loss of possession. The captain, Peter Bartoš, secures the clearance.
The match has just begun. The starting lineups are as follows:
ŠK Odeva Lipany: Bartoš (C) – M. Jacko, Tináth, Kovalčík, Šljachov, Dlugoš, Marcel Vysočan, Vitovič, S. Kráľovič, Kamenec, Micherda.
Substitutes: Michal Vysočan, Nicolas Vysočan, Jusko, Tomčík, M. Kráľovič, Timko, Poremba, Šupka.
Coach: Štefan Mihalík.
MFK Skalica: Luksch – A. Krčík, Ranko, Podhorin (C), Černek, Hollý, Mášik, Matejov, Vlasko, Baumgartner, Sobczyk.
Substitutes: Junas, M. Hradecký, Haša, Morong, Smékal, Gaži, M. Nagy.
Coach: Pavol Majerník.
Referee: Choreň – Straka, Vass.
Dear football fans, welcome to the quarterfinal match of the Slovnaft Cup between Lipany and Skalica.
ŠK Odeva Lipany
The footballers from Lipany are living an incredible cup story. The third league participant has been in the cup since July 30, 2023. They have gradually eliminated Pribiš, Hnúšťa, Dolný Kubín, Makov, and Myjava. However, the Easterners want to achieve even more. In their case, the saying “appetite comes with eating” applies, and they dare to eliminate a club from the Nike League this time.
MFK Skalica
The team from Záhorie will travel to the cozy town on Tuesday to get to know the environment a bit before pursuing their clear goal of advancement. The results of Lipany have certainly raised the eyebrows of representatives from the highest league. Skalica made it to the cup quarterfinals by defeating Trstice, Siladice, Beluša, and Komárno.
Welcome to the online broadcast. The match will start at 14:30.čalo a oba tímy sa snažia získať prevahu na ihrisku. Lipany sa snažia prekvapiť favorizovaných Záhorákov, zatiaľ čo Skalica sa snaží potvrdiť svoju pozíciu favorita. Bude zaujímavé sledovať, ako sa bude zápas vyvíjať. Držíme palce obom tímom a tešíme sa na vzrušujúce futbalové chvíle.Z Lipany: Luksch – Dlugoš, Podhorin, Vitovič, Kamenec, Hollý, Vlasko, Baumgartner, Kovalčík, Matejov, Bartoš
FK Skalica: Hruška - Vysočan, Novák, Krištof, Vlaskov, Šimko, Kubiš, Krištof, Kovalčík, Vlasko, Dlugoš, Hollý
Hostiteli vyplatilo sa, že mali opatrný prístup k zápasu a nechceli sa unáhliť, nakoľko mali rolu outsidera. Taktika opatrnosti a trpezlivosti im pomohla udržať sa v hre a neinkasovať gól v úvodných minútach.