Home » today » News » Incredible discovery: a giant porcini weighing almost 5 kilos harvested in Salles, Gironde

Incredible discovery: a giant porcini weighing almost 5 kilos harvested in Salles, Gironde

This Sunday, November 13, a resident of Salles, in the Gironde, picked up a giant porcini in a forest in the Val de l’Eyre. He discovers in images the fruit of his lucky discovery.

It looks like a photo montage. An inhabitant of Salles, in the Gironde, has collected a mushroom whose dimensions are nothing short of… impressive, he reports Southwest.

A porcini that weighs more than 4 kilos

According to our colleagues, the lucky collector came across a giant porcini during a walk in the woods of the Val de l’Eyre, accompanied by his son.

With a circumference of 50cmthe mushroom weighs 4.7 kilos.

“When I came home to show it to my parents, they were speechless at the door. They have always been used to going to mushrooms and had never seen it. Neither do I, by the way”, the Girondin tells our colleagues fromActu.fr.

He also reports finding not one but 14 porcini mushrooms in total.

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