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increasingly worrisome moods take over the world

The lifting of restrictive measures in the United States can lead to disastrous consequences. This was stated by the main American infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci. According to him, official data on the number of cases of infection is greatly underestimated. Meanwhile, a new flash coronavirus fear in China and South Korea, and Venezuela extends the emergency situation.

Forecasts in the USA are disappointing. According to experts, by August against the backdrop of a pandemic, the number of deaths in the country will be about 150 thousand, that is, almost twice as much as now. Moreover, now the actual number of coronavirus victims in America is significantly higher than official statistics. This was told to senators by the head of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci.

“Surely there were people who died from the coronavirus at home. Nobody just knows about it, because they did not go to the doctors. Accordingly, they were simply not included in the official statistics. Perhaps the patients themselves did not suspect that they had a coronavirus. Therefore it’s hard to say how many percent real mortality data exceed official. But they are probably higher, “Fauchi categorically stated.

It seems that the worries of the scientist are shared by the authorities of New York – until September 6, all theaters were closed on Broadway. Politicians continue to look for the guilty. Republicans support President Trump and blame China again, even drafting a bill to impose sanctions on Beijing if it fails to provide Washington with a full account of the events that led to the outbreak. Democrats, meanwhile, are criticizing Trump.

“The President refers to the current situation with unforgivable irony! He desperately wants us to return to work and a normal life. But he does not act at all as it should, so that it would happen sooner,” said New York State Senior Senator , member of the Democratic Party, Chuck Schumer.

Donald Trump himself on Twitter says that everything is fine, and assures that thanks to testing, the situation can be controlled, there are less cases of infection. However, the chief infectious disease specialist in the USA warns: it is too early to cancel restrictive measures, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

“I’m worried that if some states open prematurely, this may lead to new outbreaks. There is a real risk that you will provoke an outbreak of a disease that you cannot control, and this will push the United States back. That is, it will lead to suffering and death, which could have been avoided. And of course, then there can be no question of any economic recovery, “Anthony Fauchi is gloomy.

The fact that it is not worth rushing to cancel the protective measures is also reminded in China, from which the coronavirus spread. Recently in Wuhan, several new cases of infection were recorded. Although, it seemed that the outbreak had already been overcome. Now, in order to avoid a new wave of the disease, the authorities decided to urgently – within 10 days – to conduct citywide testing.

A new outbreak is also feared in South Korea. In Seoul, doctors work in an emergency mode after the virus was detected in visitors to nightclubs in one of the metropolitan areas. Now urgently need to find out with whom they contacted.

The state of emergency extends for a month Venezuela. This decision was made by President Nicolas Maduro. And Brazil celebrated the International Day of the nurse. Health professionals paid tribute to their colleagues who were victims of the coronavirus. Hundreds of people took to the streets in vests with a black cross and launched balloons into the sky.

But in Mexico, despite the pandemic, they intend to resume the tourist season and from June 1 they intend to gradually open a number of hotels in the resort area for foreigners, and fully restore work by December.

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