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Increasing the retirement age. Since when? Here are the government’s plans

The government wants to raise the retirement age. This intention was entered into the National Reconstruction Plan, which has already been ratified by the Sejm. How does the government plan to raise the retirement age? At the beginning – by encouraging seniors to stay in the labor market. Tax breaks are also planned. See when we are in for an increase in the retirement age in Poland.

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Higher retirement age. Poles will work longer?

The Law and Justice government lowered the retirement age, which led to a demographic catastrophe. Now politicians are trying to correct their mistakes. They want to extend the time of their professional activity. In addition, they plan to introduce tax incentives for a later retirement. The details of the solutions were presented by the government in the National Reconstruction Plan.

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Let us recall that the current retirement age for women is 60, and for men – 65. The government wants to extend it by several years.

Higher retirement age. There will be training for retirees

Before actually raising the retirement age, the government wants to motivate retirees to stay on the labor market. How will he do it? By organizing training for people 50+. In this way, retirees will be able to gain new skills and knowledge that will allow them to continue working or find a completely new job.

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Additional PLN 400 for seniors and a pension without tax? It’s already …

The assumptions of the reform are to be ready this year, and its entry into force is scheduled for the third quarter of 2022.

Increasing the retirement age. The government will introduce tax breaks.

There was also information in the National Reconstruction Plan that the government plans to encourage seniors to remain in the labor market through fiscal relief. The amount of income tax would be reduced, and the amount resulting from the tax reduction would not go to the state budget, but to the individual retirement account of a given person. It is not yet known how much such a relief would be. Work on appropriate fiscal solutions is to last until the first quarter of 2025.

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Training and discounts are not everything. See how the government encourages retirees to work longer

To encourage Poles to work longer, the government is also planning a number of other solutions.

– There are currently and will be activities aimed at activating people aged 50+ – we read in the National Reconstruction Plan.

The authors of the document mention in it, inter alia, such points as:

  • active labor market instruments,
  • programs for supplementing or changing qualifications,
  • health prophylaxis,
  • flexible forms and ways of performing work,
  • counteracting discrimination in employment,
  • development of an organizational culture and work environment that is more friendly to older workers,
  • incentives for longer activity in the labor market,
  • trainings and projects consisting in the reimbursement of the costs of equipping or retrofitting a workplace where an unemployed person over 50 will be employed,
  • subsidy to start a business activity for an unemployed person over 50 years of age

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Unconditional Basic Income – PLN 1,200 for everyone and PLN 600 for …

National Reconstruction Plan. So the government will raise the retirement age

The government directly admits that it would first like to change the social attitudes of Poles so that they accept later retirement. Only when longer work becomes the norm and has no negative connotations will the government actually increase the retirement age. However, it is not known when exactly this will happen.

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