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Increasing Mosquito Populations in Urban Areas: Findings from a Study on Environmental Characteristics and Water Systems

More researchers have found out why we have more and more mosquitoes in urban areas.

A group of researchers from the Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC), together with the University of Granada (UGR), the Biomedical Research Center in the Epidemiology and Public Health Network and the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB), revealed the findings of a study on the influence of environmental characteristics and the structure of sewage and well systems on the presence of mosquitoes in urban environments.

The research, which took place between 2015 and 2019 in the city of Barcelona, ​​revealed that the lack of a water recirculation system in water sources, high temperatures and water accumulation in the sewage system “are associated with the increase of mosquito populations in urban areas “, writes Rador, citing 20minuto.es.

The team analyzed three mosquito species: the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), the common mosquito (Culex pipiens) and the species Culiseta longiareolata. The study involved more than 230,000 visits to 31,000 cisterns (sanitation elements that transfer runoff water into the sewage system) and more than 1,800 inspections of 152 ornamental fountains in Barcelona.

Study results

Martina Ferraguti, the main author of the study and researcher at EBD-CSIC, explained that “these results provide valuable information to understand how the structure of our cities influences the presence of mosquitoes and how, through small actions, we can reduce their populations. By understanding more with a good understanding of the factors and processes that affect populations in cities, we can work to develop effective strategies to control them and reduce the risk to public health.”

According to the results, “mosquitoes used sand spits (those that accumulate more water) more frequently.” Also, the increase in minimum temperatures and precipitation is associated with the presence of mosquitoes in cities, “while both very high temperatures and very heavy rains contribute to reducing their proliferation”.

Regarding water sources, the experts observed that mosquitoes “have colonized especially the cities that do not have recirculation systems and that have vegetation around them”.

2023-07-29 06:48:32
#mosquitoes #cities #discovered

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