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Increasing booking numbers, falling rental car prices

In August 2024, the number of bookings increased significantly compared to the last quarter, reports rental car broker Sunny Cars. The most booked travel period is September. Prices fell significantly compared to June and July.

The average booking value is around 400 euros, the lowest ever in 2024, the broker reports. The price fell by around 50 euros compared to bookings in July and by almost 90 euros compared to the prices in June. Compared to the previous year, the rates are at a stable level, reports Sunny Cars Managing Director Thorsten Lehmann. The trend towards last-minute bookings is unbroken.

The ranking of destinations with the most rental car bookings remains unchanged: Spain, followed by Greece, Italy, Portugal and the USA. After the Corona rollercoaster ride of the past few years, the market is stabilizing, says Lehmann: “We see that prices are stabilizing and are only subject to the regular fluctuations in the annual cycle.”

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