Guadalajara Jalisco.
Jalisco does not have a high awareness of altruistic blood donation. Only 1% of total blood What is obtained is from altruistic donors. For this reason, the State Congress carried out, together with the State Blood Transfusion Center (CETS), the #TuEresMiTipo campaign, in the Plaza de la Liberación.
- Scholars and police officers from Guadalajara, employees of Congress and the Ministry of Tourism, as well as students from the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) came to the place to donate their blood.
The PAN deputy, Mirelle Montes Agredano, promoter of the campaign, said that citizens must be more aware of becoming donors blood altruists.
“We as a whole in Jalisco society need to be sensitized and aware of the culture of altruistic blood donation. It is extremely important that we put it on the public agenda, that you as the media also support us, because Jalisco is below average; We are state number 22 of 33 entities.
The Jaliscienses we donate about 1% and sometimes we worry when we have a family member who needs blood,” express.
The most enthusiastic when donating blood They were the Guadalajara police. 26 police officers and 34 interns showed up, explained the Commissioner of Public Security of Guadalajara, Juan Pablo Hernández González.
“We do this not only by caring for citizens on the streets, but also by donating blood. Here my colleagues are voluntarily trying to save lives, as always, not only through their work, but also through blood donation”, story.
Photography: EFE/Mario Guzmán
This is the third time that Congress carries out the altruistic blood donation campaign and the idea is for it to be a frequent activity, to which the UdeG, the Guadalajara City Council and the Judiciary have already joined.
2023-10-20 02:16:10
#Jalisco #residents #altruistic #blood #donors