The Universal Child Allowance (AUH) in Argentina today has a current value of $17,093 and its purchasing power is below half of the Basic Food Basket (CBA), established at $36,130 according to the latest data for July. This disparity (product of the inflation) raises questions about the effectiveness of the aid it provides compared to its launch in 2009, when its purchasing power allowed for up to a full CBA.
Today an AUH of $17,093 (includes last increase), equivalent to 47.35% of the value of the current CBATherefore, the acquisition capacity has been significantly reduced. However, when observing the historical process of social assistance, it is discovered that almost 13 years ago the purchasing power was much greater compared to today.
In November of 2009when it was implemented for the first time, the AUH represented a value of $180 and the Basic Food Basket (CBA) was around $152.03. At that time, the amount of the AUH covered approximately 118.48% of the cost of the CBAgiving families the ability to access more adequate food and cover other essential expenses.
The history of the AUH
The AUH was established as part of a policy to guarantee basic rights to the population and combat inequality. Its main purpose is to contribute to the well-being of children and young people, ensuring that they have access to adequate food, medical care and education. Which adults can process the subsidy for their children? Unemployed mothers or fathers, unregistered workers, workers in private homes and social monotributistas.
The aid is only allowed for children under 18 years of age who have resided in Argentina for a minimum of 2 years, be a native or naturalized Argentine and be a married or extramarital daughter, adopted or be under guardianship or guardianship, or be in charge of a relative by consanguinity up to 3rd degree (grandmother/o, aunt/o, sister/o). The procedure is done in Considered.
Alimentar Card: the complementary subsidy
The Alimentar Card today operates as a debit card that is intended exclusively for the purchase of food. Its use is restricted to the acquisition of food products in participating establishments, such as supermarkets and authorized businesses, in order to ensure that the funds are effectively used for food.
Those who are receiving the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and have daughters and sons up to 14 years of age are eligible to access the Alimentar Card ($22,000 in the case of a son). People with disabilities who are receiving the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) are also eligible to access the Alimentar Card ($26,000).
Therefore, a family with a child up to 14 years of age can receive up to $39,093 with the AUH and the food card. This exceeds a basic food basket of $36,130. However, in 2009 with only one subsidy the CBA was already exceeded. Despite the increases of Sergio Massa’s team, social reality is still far from what it was in 2009 and shows the brutal devaluation of the national currency.