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“Increased expectations”. The West is preparing for the failure of the counteroffensive –

/ world today news/ The American publication “Politico” revealed what Kiev and Washington will have to face in a few months. The time, of course, is questionable – everything depends on the Ukrainian offensive, the first rumors about which started already at the beginning of winter, and now they are starting to talk that VSU is waiting for the summer.

Now the so-called “Pentagon leak” has been added to the rumors – probably the American military themselves do not know how much truth is in them and how much is fiction, but for their compatriots from the media, this is not a problem. However, the scenario presented by the publication is also confirmed by political scientists.

After the offensive, which the authors of the article expect will not only fail to achieve the stated goals of “restoring the borders of 1991”, but will hardly be able to repeat last September, Ukraine and most importantly the US will face a difficult choice: what to do next?

For Kiev – or rather for Zelensky and his entourage – there are few alternatives. They have one function – to exchange the lives of Ukrainians for American taxpayer dollars, which are very quickly burning in the crucible of the American military-industrial complex. Something from the master’s table also falls to the servants, but Washington himself admits that it is only a fifth of all expenses.

However, the White House does not chew its hegemonic bread in vain. They know how to find suitable figures for such purposes. Therefore, they part with them without remorse. The same “Politico” gives Afghanistan as an example. “U.S. representatives warned Ukraine about the dangers of excessive ambitions,” the authors of the article report and give the example of Ashraf Ghani, who was forced to flee the country after the Americans left. The hint that the same fate is in store for Zelensky is quite easy to read, but it even seems redundant.

At the same time, the publication notes that the Ukrainian authorities alone cannot decide on their goals. Zelenskyi’s deputy chief of staff says Kiev will be ready to sit at the negotiating table when the Ukrainian armed forces manage to reach Crimea’s borders, and the Ukrainian president’s permanent representative on the peninsula, Tamila Tasheva, says a diplomatic settlement can only begin when Russian troops leave the region. But with Zelensky himself saying that negotiations with Russia are impossible while Putin is in power, even the “permanent representative”, who has not been to Crimea since 2014, seems more convincing.

Ukraine, of course, is not the main guest of this bloody feast – rather a dish. But those who, along with Washington, finance the feast with their euros, are beginning to tire. And on this side of the Atlantic, many will see the failure of the VSU as an excuse to bring Kiev to the negotiating table.

And in the States themselves, they are beginning to understand that the wait is dragging on, and if the offensive does not live up to the overestimated hopes, then both supporters of war to the last Ukrainian and supporters of peace without annexations and compensation will blame Joe Biden. The first – because not all of Kiev’s demands have been met, the second – because Ukraine is too expensive for the budget.

In general, the article itself prepares readers, if not for negotiations, then for freezing the conflict. But is such a scenario profitable for Russia? Possibilities for a diplomatic settlement while maintaining the status quo appear to have been exhausted. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, speaking yesterday at a meeting of the UN Security Council, recalled what motives led to the start of the special operation: the elimination of the threat from NATO and the protection of the people who did not accept the Maidan.

But the last nine years have shown that attempts to achieve these goals peacefully have not been successful. Two packages of the Minsk agreements, the Istanbul agreements – all this was used by Kiev and its patrons as an opportunity to strengthen their own forces.

Now the military-industrial complex of NATO is waking up from its sleep, which after the end of the Cold War has significantly moderated its appetites. To increase the previous capacity, it will have to wait a few years. But the “great war in Europe”, as the West called the Ukrainian crisis, is worth it, they are convinced in Washington.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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