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Increased Confidence in Cyber Security Measures: Survey Reveals Thai Organizations’ Progress

Palo Alto Networks reveals survey results of Thai organizations showing increased confidence in cyber security measures. It was found that Thai organizations saw an increase of more than 50% in the number of highly damaging attacks, accounting for approximately 22% of all organizations that are confident in following up on cyber security issues. This is considered to be the lowest ratio in ASEAN.

The top cybersecurity issues among Thai organizations include increased risk due to insecure IoT devices (54%), having to purchase multiple cybersecurity solutions (47%), and Make digital transactions with third parties (47%)

In addition, 43% of Thai organizations are adapting their cybersecurity strategies to support IoT/OT protection. This was done online in April 2023 with a total of 500 corporate IT decision makers and business leaders. The five main industries in Southeast Asia are Services (Banking, Finance), Government/Public Sector/Fundamental Services, Telecom/Technology/Communications, Retail/Hotel/F&B, Transport and Logistics. and manufacturing sector There were 100 respondents per country, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Dr. Tatchapon Posayanon, Country Director for Thailand and Indochina, Palo Alto Networks, said of the survey that confidence in security measures indicates that Businesses are taking a more flexible approach to dealing with more sophisticated cyberattacks, with Thailand experiencing the lowest number of “highly disruptive attacks” (22%), but increasing Its cyber security budget is also the smallest compared to other countries.

“This is because various organizations In Thailand, we have been preparing for many years and are seeing results from our investments in this area. However, cyber security remains a top priority for executives. Because cyber criminals also continue to adapt and use various techniques. It’s even more complicated.”

***Thailand moves to protect OT

Palo Alto Networks stated in its 2023 Cyber ​​Security Situation Report in ASEAN that last year Thailand encountered problems. The number of “highly disruptive attacks” is the lowest, with 22% of organizations experiencing an increase of more than 50% in incidents compared to the past. Protecting operational technology (OT), especially infrastructure-related systems Fundamentals remain the primary concern. Because those critical basic services face higher levels of damaging attacks than other sectors.

The types of attacks that organizations in Thailand are most concerned about include malware (57%), user account hijacking (57%), and password attacks (53%). and more cloud applications Businesses in Thailand stated that The main problem facing cyber security systems is Increased risk from unsecured IoT devices (54%), need to purchase multiple cybersecurity solutions (47%) and digital transactions with third parties (47%)

However, if compared with other countries In ASEAN it was found that Thailand is in a relatively good position in dealing with cyber security risks and upgrading skills in this area. Only 37% of organizations view cyber threats as high or very high. and is considered the lowest ratio in ASEAN. While organizations in Thailand have seen more than a 50% increase in the number of damaging attacks, only 22% of all organizations are confident in tracking cybersecurity issues. This is considered to be the lowest ratio in ASEAN.

*** ASEAN is confident

In the ASEAN countries various industries Have confidence in security measures But this is clearly evident in the service sector. (banking and finance) as well as transport and logistics.

As for the national level Thailand is considered to have relatively high confidence, at 87%, that current cybersecurity measures will protect against threats. Thailand also has a leading score in basic cyber security skills. More than 78% of businesses have formal training on this matter for their employees.

Cyber ​​security remains a top priority for businesses in Thailand. Just like last year Approximately 38% of Thai organizations said their boards of directors discuss cybersecurity every month. In addition, 49% of Thai businesses have increased their cybersecurity budgets because they want to improve operations (54%), or new regulations have been issued or adjusted according to data privacy laws (44%) to improve their operations. as more processes are digitized (37%) and as the threat landscape changes (37%)

The top three most important cyber security strategies in Thailand include: Securing IoT/OT (43%), overhauling threat detection systems and related behavior detection systems/platforms (40%), identity and access management (38%), and coordination strategies. Security Response and Automation (SOAR) for SOC (38%)

Integration with AI is a technology that businesses Preparing to install soon in both Southeast Asia and Thailand (56%) by telecommunications/technology/communications businesses Most interested in applying AI in the region and is expected to grow at a faster rate in the next few years.

“The problem of cyberattacks continues to expand along with digital transformation. And this is very clearly seen in some industries, such as the banking and financial sectors. which has been pressured to accelerate digital transformation and high levels of competition Therefore, various organizations in Thailand, especially in the banking and financial sectors Therefore, it is necessary to create an IT system structure. strong so that businesses are ready to deal with various security vulnerabilities,” Dr. Tatchapon added.

*** 4 interesting facts about Southeast Asia and Thailand

The first is an industry overview. The survey found that organizations in Thailand face three main cybersecurity challenges: IoT devices that are unmonitored and unprotected (54%), requiring cybersecurity solutions to be purchased; various formats (47%) on the increasing number of digital transactions with third parties (47%)

Additionally, the majority of Thai organizations with OT systems (92%) say they use a combination of cybersecurity teams for their IT and OT systems. Most businesses say they have a 5G strategy in place, but are concerned about 5G data protection and application level functionality

The second information is cyber security risks. More than half (52%) of organizations in Southeast Asia say they are facing cybersecurity threats that pose a high level of risk. Especially in the service sector (Banking and Finance) Important basic services and the manufacturing sector. Meanwhile, 37% of Thai organizations (the lowest ratio in ASEAN) view cyber threats as either high or very high. In Thailand, incidents were found in The number of “highly disruptive attacks” is the lowest in ASEAN (22%), and malware is a key concern for organizations. in both Southeast Asia and Thailand, accounting for approximately 60% and 57%, respectively.

The third information is considerations at the executive level and budget regarding cyber security systems. It was found that approximately 80% of ASEAN organizations said that cyber security is discussed at quarterly board meetings. Organizations in Thailand are similar at 79%, and 66% of organizations in Southeast Asia will increase their cybersecurity budgets by 2023, while only 49% in Thailand are doing the same. Meanwhile, 29% of organizations in Southeast Asia said they The budget has been increased by more than half compared to the 2022 budget.

Data number 4 is the security situation. More than half (53%) of Southeast Asian organizations are considering adopting AI as a core technology to reduce cyber risk. The survey also found four key cybersecurity strategies in: Thailand: IoT/OT protection (43%), overhaul of threat detection and related behavior detection systems/platforms (40%), identity and access management (38%), and coordinated response strategies. and security automation systems (SOAR) for SOC (38%).

2023-09-18 17:49:00
#Hot #Issues #Survey #results #Palo #Alto #Networks #reveal #Thai #organizations #confident #cyber #security

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