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Increased awareness among CSB II

The “Nifin’Akanga” team and CSBII Ankaraobato staff.

The bill for the therapeutic termination of pregnancy that was introduced in 2021 was never on the table. The “Nifin’Akanga” movement continues to raise awareness of the issue.

The antenna of the movement Nifin’ Akanga » in Antananarivo yesterday he organized an awareness raising at CSB II in Ankaraobato. The topic was the safe termination of pregnancy. About fifty young women and girls were brought to this subject at this retreat. This meeting also gave movement activists the opportunity to explain what is in and out of the goals of the movement, on the one hand, and to emphasize the harmful effects of ban- abortion, on the other hand. The choice of location is not accidental, as the phenomenon affects both wealthy and socio-economic backgrounds. “We chose this day because it is a vaccination and family planning day at CSB II in Ankaraobato. We wanted to reach as many people as possible and most of those we spoke to accepted our explanations.”named as an activist of the movement.

Change. This awareness raising is part of the project.” Farimbon», led by Nifin’Akanga and supported by Amplify Change, which supports an innovative and multidisciplinary community movement that aims to promote social change that wants to end pregnancy to safe in Madagascar. With this in mind, the Antananarivo branch of the Nifin’Akanga movement has chosen to carry out an awareness campaign on the right to sexual and reproductive health, as well as the therapeutic end of pregnancy within the CSB-II.

Organized by Rakotobe

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