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Increase your resistance, is that possible?

What exactly is your resistance?

The term resistance is commonly used to indicate the degree of susceptibility to infections, but your resistance is actually a function of your immune system. You must protect this system against external threats, such as viruses and bacteria. The immune system recognizes foreign microorganisms and is generally able to clear them up.

Important components of the defense include the white blood cells, the lymph nodes and the spleen. You can see the lymph nodes as a kind of monitoring station. When an unknown microorganism passes, the lymph node station responds by producing white blood cells. For example, in case of a throat infection, viruses or bacteria penetrate the mucous membrane of the throat. In response, the lymph nodes in the neck swell because they produce white blood cells.

Can the natural strength of the resistance vary per person?

Yes, that’s possible. Various causes play a role in this. An allergy, for example, is an expression of an over-working defense. Someone with cystic fibrosis also has a weakened resistance. In healthy people, a continuous flow of mucosa on cilia ensures that viruses stay out of the lungs. With cystic fibrosis, this defense mechanism fails, which means that viruses can stay in the lungs longer.

What are the most important factors that lower the resistance?

The most important factors that play a role in reducing immunity are:

* Medication
For example, cytostatics used in cancer. Medications such as hormones or prednisone also lower your resistance

* Illness
For example, AIDS is a disease that affects the immune system.

Other factors that can play a role in reducing resistance include sleep deprivation, stress, and poor nutrition.

What are the consequences of a reduced resistance?

With reduced resistance, microorganisms have the opportunity to further divide and develop. This increases the chance of getting micro-organism infections. The chance that the infections have a serious course is also greater. This can lead, for example, to pneumonia and meningitis.

Why is there so much attention for the resistance in the winter?

This is probably mainly due to the fact that in winter the chance of catching a virus, such as a cold or flu, is greater. Causes for this are:

* Because of the cold, viruses can survive longer
* The dry air and cold can have an adverse effect on the functioning of the mucous membrane of the airways, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to nest in the airways
* During the winter, people stay closer together, which means that viruses and bacteria can be transferred.

Are there ways to increase your resistance? If yes which one?

That is simple, keep the known measures in mind. These are they:

* Good nutrition
* Take enough rest
* Hygiene, especially wash your hands thoroughly
* Movement / sport

Do drugstore remedies that promise to increase your resistance work?

To the best of Van Donselaar’s knowledge, these products have not been shown to have any effect. In principle, healthy food contains everything you need. Moreover, the body can only absorb a maximum amount of vitamins – the rest disappears. Vitamins can make sense if someone does not get enough vitamins as a result of a poor diet. It is also useful for certain groups that could use some extras, such as pregnant women, babies up to three years old, the elderly or people who do not eat certain foods.

Does vitamin C increase your resistance?

That has not been demonstrated. You can only take a certain amount of vitamin C in your body. With this amount you will soon be fed with normal food. Everything you take extra is eliminated.

For this article we worked together with Dokterdokter.nl. There you will find many more articles about health, checked by doctors and medical specialists.

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