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Increase in size of artichokes

Plan of artichoke fertilization and its correct subscriber

The artichoke has recognized nutritional and medicinal properties, as well as an excellent flavor. It is a characteristic food of our country, with crops in Levante and Navarra. To obtain large fruits, continuous care is necessary from planting and throughout the growth process.

In the free agronomic office of Sembralia, we collect a question to our experts about the artichoke and its subscriber plan. We focus on increasing the size of the fruits, and we collect some tips on fertilization.

What do we know about the cultivation of the artichoke?

First, let’s stop to meet the Cynara scolymus, the artichoke, artichoke or artichoke,Among many other vernacular names, it is a herbaceous plant of the genus Cynara in the Asteraceae family; It has been cultivated since ancient times as food in temperate climates.

The artichoke reaches 1.4 to 2 meters in height. It sprouts again from the vine every year, after winter, if the cold does not freeze it. It has a rosette of whole leaves until deeply segmented although less divided than those of the thistle and with few or no thorns. The leaves are light green on the upper side and on the underside they are covered by whitish fibrils that give them a pale appearance.

At the time of doing a correct subscriber plan, and for a greater efficiency in fertilization of the crop, it would be interesting to apply (already for the following season) a nitrogen-type bottom fertilizer mixed with organic matter. This practice will provide essential nutrients to the soil from the first hour that are reflected in health and size of fruits when picking them, which is what we are looking for with this subscriber plan: a increase in size of artichokes. As in most crops, the results of fruits during the harvest is a consequence of good agricultural practices, necessary and balanced contributions (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium, mainly) according to the demands of each crop.

In the case of fertilizer plan for artichokes, which is what concerns us, there are a series of specific fertilizers (available in the Sembralia Store) that are very interesting to consider.

Sembralia solutions for artichoke cultivation:

The fertilization plan of the artichoke, to increase the size of the fruit, must focus on fertilization with a specific objective (that is, to increase the size of the fruit). In general, this entails (in addition to a contribution of elements previously described: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium) a contribution of potassium to the plant. And is that potassium is one of the elements that has the greatest demand in the artichoke crop. Without a doubt: adding potassium to the artichoke causes an increase in the size of the inflorescence, and greater resistance to water stress and diseases. Therefore, from Sembralia we recommend the following products:

MC Potasa (McBio)

Nutritional solution with a high potassium content with total availability for the plant.

Its foliar application acts in the accumulation of carbohydrates and fats in the fruits and in the regulation of the opening and closing of stomata.

Potassium is complexed with organic acids and is essential during the fattening stage of the fruit as the consumption of potassium during this stage increases considerably. This product is perfect for the increased size of the alchofas.

Dose: foliar:100 – 200 ml/hl, radicular: 4 – 6 ml/m2.

Fertilizer solution NK 3-31 (INB)

In the artichoke fertilization plan, this phytonutrient is indicated for the prevention and correction of potassium deficiencies and to promote optimal ripening and quality attainment of the fruits.

It contains free EDTA in its formulation, which provides better absorption of potassium by foliar route. This product will help the increased size of artichokes.

Its application is recommended in the time of greatest metabolic activity as fruit development, promoting their fattening, maturation and organoleptic qualities.

Dose: 3 – 5 cc/L.

Fertiormont Potassium (fertiormont)

For the correct fertilization of the artichokes we can take into account this 1 liter liquid fertilizer in indivisible packs composed mainly of potassium, it is a water soluble fertilizer recommended to apply at times of fattening and to ripen the fruit.

Chloride and heavy metal free product.

Indicated for times when the crop consumes potassium more quickly. It favors the assimilation of calcium, magnesium and other elements while it favors the accumulation or assimilation of sugars or oil in fruits.

Dose: 2 – 3 cc/L.

AUTHORS: Ignacio Sánchez de Ibargüen and Jose Antonio Sotomayor (Agricultural Engineers of Sembralia).

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