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Increase gas bill, 1,866 euros per family in 2022 – Economy

Gas bill how much does it cost us. In December, for customers who are still on the protected market, the increase communicated by Arera is 23.3% compared to November and the high quotations in the first two weeks have weighed heavily. Despite the various savings made on the field, 2022 brings a bill to the typical family of 1,866 euros with an increase of 64.8% on 2021. An even greater beating, consumers are attacking. If you add the increases in gas prices to those in electricity, the “overall sting is equal to 3,547 euros”, calculated the National Consumer Union (UNC).

Meanwhile, on the international market, the wholesale methane price is still falling, with futures traded in Amsterdam at 71.36 euros per Megawatt hour (Mwh), down by 7.35% while looking at European gas stocks, they rise to 934 68 terawatt hours (Twh), equal to 83.5% of filling capacity and with a positive trend of 0.15%, according to data from the Gie-Agsi platform, with Italy having stocks at 159.57 TWh with deposits full at 82.49%. A fairly good value, considering that we are at the beginning of January, and due to the favorable meteorological conditions and lower industrial consumption, recalled the president of the Regulatory Authority for energy, networks and the environment, Stefano Besseghini, warning, however, that it is ” two ailments”. For the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, the concern is to secure the system and the agreement on the price cap – with a ceiling on the price of gas at 180 euros at European level – was “anti-speculative” , “the conditions have been created to avoid the explosion of prices”, in short, “it is a bazooka to intervene if speculators cause the international price to fluctuate, it will probably never be applied but it serves to say ‘if you go any further, I’ll shoot you'”. According to the new method of calculating the price of gas on a monthly basis, introduced by the Authority last October, the value of the raw material was 116.6 euro/Mwh, equal to the average of the prices recorded daily throughout December which saw , in the first few weeks, prices that even reached peaks of around 135 euro/MWh. If Arera had used the old updating method (quarterly ex-ante instead of monthly ex-post) throughout the last quarter of 2022, the value would have been higher than 240 euros per megawatt hour. The gas price component covering procurement costs, applied to customers still under protection, the Authority points out, is updated as the monthly average of the price on the Italian wholesale market (the Virtual Exchange Point, i.e. the meeting point between gas supply and demand in Italy) and published within the first two working days of the month following the reference month. We will have to wait another six months to see the price of gas fall. Besseghini speaking to Sky tg24 economy made it clear that it will remain stable “net of unpredictable events” while “in the second half of the year, with the diversification” of the gas supply with the start-up of the first regasification terminal in the spring, “a sign reduction stable”. For the first quarter of 2023, as required by the Budget Law, Arera has already zeroed the general system charges also for gas. Consumers, for now, arise. Codacons says the increase is worse than expected and urges the government to adopt urgent measures to save Italians’ pockets. In attacking the government “inadequate to deal with this national emergency”, the Unc urgently requests a postponement of the end of the protected gas market which for condominiums and associations is scheduled for April 1, 2023. For Federconsumatori it is “urgent”, among the other, “to expand the number of beneficiaries of the energy, gas and water bonuses”.

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