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Incompatibility of computer power with the power source leads to

The incompatibility of computer electricity with the electricity source leads to, as all types of computers are different in size and method of work in addition to their great speed, as the first computer that was invented is characterized by the size of a very large room. Apart from the fact that computers consume similar energy and more than hundreds of automated computers that people use every day, so we will give you an appropriate answer to the question posed above through this article in addition to getting to know the computer, and learning about the most important reasons that lead to computer failure .

What is a computer

It is also called a computer and it is an electronic machine with a wonderful ability to receive information and data and then process it in a programmed manner and convert it into valuable information using other compatible devices.

Incompatibility of computer power with the power source leads to

In recent years, there has been a significant decrease in the cost of producing a strong and durable structure, until it has become a commodity for the personal computer, as it has spread widely and significantly around the world, and the use of the computer has expanded by expanding its application in all fields and devices at the present time. Navigation systems and smart watches are widely used in the global positioning system, answering the following question

  • Incompatibility of the computer’s electricity with the power supply leads to the correct answer. This causes significant damage to the computer’s power generator.

What does turning off the power of a computer while it is running do

Turning off the electrical current of the computer while it is running leads to the loss of all existing and visible data in the computer’s memory, as the computer is an electronic machine that can receive a lot of data and information, as well as processing this information and data and converting it into valuable information with rich meaning, in addition to the fact That the computer stores data on its media, and the computer exchanges all its information, data, and everything that is on it with applications and other devices that are compatible with it, the fastest computers can perform hundreds of logical operations and arithmetic operations currently in a few seconds, computers take care of the process of running special programs called operating systems, Where the computer is a hard part, systems tell the computer how to perform tasks, and also provide programmers with an environment to develop their applications on, in addition to this topic performs the task of discovering how errors are spread between humans and run on Linux, Windows and Macintosh computers.

What are the most important reasons that lead to computer failure

There are many reasons that greatly affect the computer, and sometimes lead to its complete failure, and among these reasons

  • Excessive dust buildup on the computer causing it to overheat.
  • A slight lack of compatibility between the power supply and the computer’s electricity, resulting in serious damage to the computer’s power supply.
  • Turning off the computer while it is running will result in the loss of data and information displayed in the computer’s memory.
  • Extreme cold can take a toll on a computer, damaging communication circuits and wiring.

What are the ways to protect your computer

The computer can be preserved by providing the necessary tools and means to protect all devices and data from risks and difficulties that threaten to undo them, whether external or internal, and this can be expressed in the term data and device protection, in addition to this, the computer can be disconnected from the power source. If there is interference or problems with the power supply connected to the computer, you can also use a protective device to prevent the flow of electricity and protect it from power surges, which will adversely affect and damage the machine.

At the end of our article, we explained the answer to the question posed that the incompatibility of computer electricity with the electricity source leads to significant damage to the computer’s power generator.

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