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Income, Portofino at the top of the ranking ahead of Lajatico and Basiglio: the complete map

MILANO – Change at the top of the richest Italian municipalities: the pearl of the Ligurian sea Portofino (province of Genoa) overtakes everyone and takes first place, with an average income of 90,610 euros. A data relating to 2022 and which emerges from the declarations collected by the Mef last year. And which marks a notable leap, given that they more than double the 39,200 euros of 2021 (+131%). A barker (Pisa) slips to second place (52,955 euros), Basiglio (Milan) is the third richest municipality in Italy (49,524 euros).


Numbers to be taken with a pinch of salt, given that – especially when referring to small municipalities – the averages can be shifted by individual variables. In fact, the name of has been linked several times to Lajatico Bocelliwhile Basiglio is the municipality on the outskirts of the Lombardy capital which hosts the garden neighborhood of Milano 3 with its typical wealthy tenants.

Intwig, a data intelligence company, has reworked the official Mef database. After the boom in Portofino, where he bought a mega-villa Pier Silvio Berlusconi just a couple of years ago, the “revelation” stands out Briaglia (Cuneo), which climbs 1,039 positions compared to 2021 and rises to 4th place nationally (43,475 euros). There are two other new features in the top ten: Pino Torinese (Turin) is now in 9th place, Milan (the only capital city) rises to 10th.

Generally, a growth in the income of Italians is confirmed“but the impact of inflation leads to an erosion of purchasing power,” explains the Intwig rework. In 2022, the average income of Italian taxpayers stood at 21,752 euros, up by 1,007 euros compared to 20,745 euros in 2021: in absolute value it is the most significant increase since 2008. However, the surge in incomes does not translate into a real advantage for citizens: if incomes in fact grew by 4.85%, in the same year inflation had instead skyrocketed to 8.1%.

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If we take only the capital cities, Lombardy confirms its central role in the distribution of wealth. Milano consolidates 1st place (35,282 euros), followed by Monza (31,362 euros) e Bergamo (30,512 euros); the top ten sees a prevalence of Lombardy capitals (in addition to occupying the first three places, noteworthy Pavia to the 4th e Lecco in 7th), Emilia-Romagna (Parma in 8th place, Bologna al 9°, Modena to the 10th) and of Veneto (Treviso in 5th place, Padova al 6°).

Aldo Cristadoro, CEO of Intwigpoints out that the data clearly shows “the historical fractures of the country, both the North-South one and the centre-periphery one”.

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The rift between North and South

Intwig notes in fact that “it resists, and indeed seems to expand, the fracture between the North and South of the country. The Lombardy remains the region with the highest per capita income (25,698 euros in 2022, +1,126 euros compared to 2021), while the Trentino Alto Adige rises to second place (23,876 euros, +1,338 euros) surpassing theEmilia Romagna (23,713 euros, +982 euros). In the queue there are instead Calabria (16,108 euros, +814 euros), the Molise (17,049 euros, +819) and the Puglia (17,230 euros, +849 euros)”.

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The analysis can go into further detail by considering the postal codes. And here the predictable fracture between center and periphery emerges. If we take Milan, for example, average incomes fluctuate between 18,509 euros in the 2015 postal code7 (Quarto Oggiaro area, Sacco and surrounding areas) and the 94,369 of the 20121 zip code (central area, between Duomo and Brera, the “richest” neighborhoods in Italy); Rome has a range from 14,771 in the zip code 00119 (Ancient host) to the 66,585 euros of the postal code 00187 (Trevi district, Ludovisi district and surrounding areas); in Naples the income range varies between 12,695 euros in the postal code 80139 (via Carbonara, via Rosaroli, Borgo Sant’Antonio Abatethe second “poorest” neighborhoods among large Italian cities) and 44,911 euros in the postal code 80123 (Posillipo). In Milan, the “richest” neighborhood has an average income equivalent to approximately five times the income of the “poorest” neighborhood.

The concentration of wealth

Another fracture element that can be quantified in numbers is that of the “pyramid of wealth” in Italy, with a substantial upward shift: in 2022, 5.5% of taxpayers declared more than 55 thousand euros (against 5% of 2021), 25.6% are in the 26-55 thousand euro range (it was 23% in 2021), 30% are in the 15-26 thousand euro income class (against 29% in 2021), while 38, 9% declare up to 15 thousand euros (compared to 43% last year). In detail, taxpayers declaring more than 120 thousand euros recorded a significant jump: in 2022 there were 429,927, an increase of 15.6% compared to the 371,868 in 2021.

Here then are the challenges that Cristadoro indicates, “starting from the redistribution of income and the responses to the demographic crisis: in this sense it is necessary to create system responses that address not only the wage issue, but which also lead to welfare and services that compensate for the gap with other European countries, encouraging full promotion of the quality of life”.

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#Income #Portofino #top #ranking #ahead #Lajatico #Basiglio #complete #map
– 2024-04-24 19:07:29

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