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incivilities managed on a daily basis

Since its renovation, the Porte de France area, the first motorway area encountered by users of the A31 arriving on French territory, seems more welcoming. Is the state of deliquescence in which these places found themselves now only a distant memory? We can hope so. In any case, the DIR Est assures it, everything is done for. “You should not believe that the area has always been in this state, specifies Sébastien Delbirani, district chief of Metz at the DIR Est. Regular maintenance of the Porte de France area was carried out, but the scene had reached an impossible point to catch up ”.

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Incivilities identified and managed

So what about today? A first observation on the spot makes it possible to realize the clear improvement of the conditions of reception of the users of the A31. And this thanks to the DIR Est teams, who go there to deal with everyday incivilities. “Since the opening of this redesigned area, we have been able to identify a number of actions aimed at degrading the premises. There are tags to be erased regularly inside the toilets, as well as thefts. For example, someone stole fifty cat eyes (these small round-shaped reflective devices that can be seen at ground level, editor’s note), but also screws inside the sanitary facilities. It’s hard to say what the people who do this get out of it, but for now, we’re coming to terms with it. The teams intervene regularly, in order to remedy any problem. ”

Moreover, the places have been designed, in order to avoid that there is too much plunder. “The configuration of the cabins means that there is not much to steal. Another problem, the trash cans. “Users come here to throw away their garbage when their recycling center is closed, or when the collection is done by weight in their town. We were able to catch a few and explain to them that the area is not there for that. Some get it, others are tougher. “

An area of ​​2.5 million euros

Incivilities of a minority of users which harm the greatest number in short. When we know that the repair of the premises cost 2.5 million euros and that they are located on a portion of the motorway that has not been retroceded, a small shortcut is enough to say that with each incivility, it is the taxpayer who pays. There remains everyone’s work to do on themselves to prevent the situation from degenerating again.

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