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Incidences remain high – the current case numbers on July 13th

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Created: 13.07.2022Updated: 07/13/2022 06:29 am

Von: Eric Sharp


The corona virus continues to be rampant around Offenbach, Hanau and Darmstadt. The RKI announces the current data on new infections, incidence and deaths.

Offenbach – The corona virus has been part of everyday life in Offenbach, Hanau* and Darmstadt for more than two years. Dozens of new infections are added every day. The current values ​​from the Robert Koch Institute for Hesse can be found in the graphics below in this article.

According to current knowledge, the corona virus originated in the greater area of ​​the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan at the end of 2019. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the corona pandemic as a “health emergency of international concern”.

Corona in Hesse: The omicron wave follows the delta variant

At the beginning of the pandemic, around Offenbach, Hanau and Darmstadt, it was the original variant, the alpha variant and later above all the highly contagious delta variant of the corona virus that caused infection. In mid-March 2020, just over three months after the outbreak of the pandemic in China, a lockdown was imposed throughout Hesse. Schools and daycare centers had to close, the catering trade and retail trade were no longer allowed to serve customers on site. After a brief easing phase between May and October 2020, a nationwide lockdown went into effect again between November 2020 and February 2021, albeit with looser measures than the first lockdown.

Corona remains an issue in the region around Offenbach, Hanau and Darmstadt. © Wolfgang Maria Weber/Imago Images

Around the start of 2021, the vaccination campaign started around Offenbach, Hanau and Darmstadt. While two corona vaccinations were initially recommended, the decreasing protection against the spread of vaccinations and the omicron wave over the course of the year caused the vaccination recommendation to be expanded to include a booster vaccination against a severe course of Covid-19 disease.

However, the number of corona cases will be at a record level in 2022. Nevertheless, on April 2nd, 2022 lifted most corona restrictions in Hesse. At a federal-state summit on February 16, 2022, the heads of the federal states and the federal government around Chancellor Olaf Scholz agreed on a gradual, extensive relaxation of the previous protective measures. For example, a mask is no longer necessary in the supermarkets around Offenbach, Hanau and Darmstadt.

Corona numbers around Offenbach, Hanau and Darmstadt: The current situation in the region

  • city Offenbach: New infections: 272, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 803.0
  • Kreis Offenbach: New infections: 831, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 988.4
  • Main-Kinzig District: New infections: 1230, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 954.5
  • city Born* (in the MKK): 7-day incidence at 760
  • Kreis Darmstadt-Dieburg: New infections: 636, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 1102.8
  • city Darmstadt: New infections: 351, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 1147.8
  • Odenwald district: New infections: 191, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 856.8
  • Kreis mountain road: New infections: 463, new deaths: 0, 7-day incidence at 1045.3
  • Source: Robert Koch Institute | Status: 07/12/2022, 3:06 a.m | Notes: Due to different reporting channels, the numbers of the ministry and those of the cities and districts may differ slightly. As a rule, the lower the reporting level, the more up-to-date the figures are. New infections or deaths below 0 are due to reporting corrections.
  • *Source: Corona in Hanau | Stand: 12.07.2022 | The Robert Koch Institute does not explicitly report the number of infections for the city of Hanau.

Editor’s note on transparency: The case numbers of the RKI may differ from those of the individual federal states. One reason for this is the longer transmission paths between the RKI and the responsible health authorities. The RKI’s Covid-19 dashboard can also be adjusted throughout the day. The RKI also warns: It could be that the decline in incidence does not reflect the actual infection process, but is the result of an overloaded reporting and testing system. In addition, it could play a role that some people do not have their positive self-test or rapid test clarified with a PCR test. They will then not appear in the statistics.


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