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Incidence value continues to rise – no deaths

On Saturday, the seven-day incidence in Munich is above the value of the previous day. There were no new deaths.

Such is the current corona situation in the Bavarian capital.

Saturday, July 10th: Seven-day value increases

According to the RKI in Munich, the corona incidence on Saturday is above that of the previous day. The value is 11.9 and 41 new infections were registered. There were no new deaths.

Friday, July 9th: Incidence value rises again

The seven-day incidence in Munich is 11.5 on Friday. The number of registered new infections with Covid-19 is 33. No new deaths have been reported.

Thursday, July 8th: Corona incidence drops minimally

On Thursday, the seven-day incidence in Munich was 10.6, just below the value of the previous day. The number of new infections reported is 38. There was one death related to Covid-19.

Wednesday, July 7th: Seven-day value increases

According to the RKI, the incidence value in Munich on Wednesday was 10.7 and thus above the value of the previous day. In a weekly comparison, the value has risen by just under one point.

Fortunately, no new deaths were reported. The number of new infections is 41.

Tuesday, July 6th: Incidence value continues to decline

The RKI also reported a lower corona incidence in Munich on Tuesday. The value is currently 10.0 and thus also below the level of the previous week.

The number of new infections registered is nine. It is also the third day without a new death.

Monday, July 5th: Corona value falls again

At the beginning of the week, according to the RKI in Munich, the seven-day incidence is below the value of the previous day at 11.6. Compared to the previous week, however, the value has increased by two points. The number of new infections is five. No new deaths were reported.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 73,658 people in Munich have tested positive for Covid-19. 1,261 of them died.

Sunday, July 4th: the incidence value rises

The corona incidence increases in Munich for the fourth day in a row and is 12.2 on Sunday. The number of new infections is 25. There were no new deaths.

Saturday, July 3: Corona incidence continues to rise

On the third day in a row, the RKI reports an increased corona incidence for the city of Munich. The value is currently 11.5. 32 new infections and one death were registered.

Friday July 2nd: seven-day value at 10.8

The incidence value in Munich rose slightly on Friday and is currently 10.8. It is also higher than a week ago. The number of new infections is 31. There were no new deaths.

Thursday July 1: Incidence rises to 10.0

The RKI reported a slight increase in the corona incidence to 10.0 on Thursday. The number of new infections is 27. There were no new deaths for the second day in a row.

Wednesday June 30th: the incidence value drops to 9.8

On Wednesday the seven-day value in Munich was 9.8. The number of new infections is 32. Fortunately, there were no new deaths.

Tuesday, June 29th: Corona incidence continues to rise

The incidence value in Munich rose for the second day in a row and is now above the 10 mark again at 10.6. In addition, the Robert Koch Institute reports 25 new infections and one further death in connection with Covid-19.

Monday, June 28th: ​​Incidence value increases slightly

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the Munich seven-day incidence at the beginning of the week is 9.7, which is slightly higher than the day before. Compared to the previous week, however, the value has continued to decline. The city’s health authorities also reported 17 new infections and one death.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 73,481 people in Munich have tested positive for Covid-19. 1,260 of them died.

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