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Incidence rate by department as of February 19, 2021 in France

By Julie M. Photos by Laurent P. Published February 19, 2021 at 8:06 p.m. Updated February 19, 2021 at 8:08 p.m.

While France experiences a curfew at 6 p.m., the incidence rate by department remains an indicator to be monitored very closely to follow the evolution of the epidemic. Indeed, if initially only the departments which exceeded the threshold of 200 per 100,000 inhabitants had to take new measures to fight against the spread of the epidemic, in particular by setting up an extension of their curfew, today, the entire territory is affected until the situation improves. We discover together the incidence rates of each department on Friday February 19, 2021.

L’indicator to follow closely at the moment, it is the incidence rate of each department. Indeed, it makes it possible to estimate the share of people infected in each department and there is a corresponding number of people tested positive over the last 7 days out of 100,000 inhabitants.

Find below the incidence rate by department at Friday, February 19, 2021. We noted in rouge the departments for which the incidence rate is greater than 200 per 100,000, in orange the departments for which it is between 100 and 200 per 100,000. We put in vert the departments for which the threshold is less than 100 per 100,000. Not that these areas are considered safe, but for now they are not threatened by a breakthrough in the curfew.

The overall incidence rate in France at February 16, 2021 (consolidated data) stagnated and reached 190 or well above the alert threshold set at 50.

  • 01 – Ain – Bourg-en-Bresse – 193 ⬇️
  • 02 – Aisne – Laon – 239 ⬇️
  • 03 – Allier – Mills – 126 ⬆️
  • 04 – Alpes-de-Haute-Provence – Digne-les-Bains — 236 ⬆️
  • 05 — Hautes-Alpes — Gap — 233 ⬇️
  • 06 — Alpes-Maritimes — Nice — 581 ⬇️
  • 07 – Ardèche – Privas – 193 ⬆️
  • 08 – Ardennes – Charleville-Mézières – 94 ⬇️
  • 09 – Ariège – Foix – 154 ⬆️
  • 10 – Dawn – Troyes – 183 ⬇️
  • 11 – Aude – Carcassonne – 156 ⬇️
  • 12 – Aveyron – Rodez – 120 ⬇️
  • 13 – Bouches-du-Rhône – Marseille – 332 ⬇️
  • 14 – Calvados – Caen – 116 ⏸
  • 15 – Cantal – Aurillac — 129 ⬆️
  • 16 – Charente – Angoulême — 92 ⬆️
  • 17 – Charente-Maritime – La Rochelle — 89 ⬇️
  • 18 – Cher – Bourges — 132 ⬆️
  • 19 – Corrèze – Tulle — 156 ⬇️
  • 2A – Corse-du-Sud – Ajaccio — 47
  • 2B – Haute-Corse – Bastia — 139 ⬆️
  • 21 – Côte-d’Or – Dijon – 140 ⬇️
  • 22 – Côtes-d’Armor – Saint-Brieuc — 67 ⬆️
  • 23 – Creuse – Gueret — 96 ⬇️
  • 24 – Dordogne – Périgueux — 158 ⬇️
  • 25 – Doubs – Besançon – 169 ⬆️
  • 26 – Drôme – Valence — 219 ⬇️
  • 27 – Eure – Évreux — 160 ⬆️
  • 28 – Eure-et-Loir – Chartres — 173 ⬆️
  • 29 – Finistère – Quimper — 41 ⏸
  • 30 – Gard – Nîmes — 209 ⬇️
  • 31 – Haute-Garonne – Toulouse — 199 ⬇️
  • 32 – Gers – Also — 81 ⬇️
  • 33 – Gironde – Bordeaux — 114 ⬇️
  • 34 – Hérault – Montpellier — 157 ⬇️
  • 35 – Ille-et-Vilaine – Rennes — 139 ⬇️
  • 36 – Indre – Châteauroux — 196 ⬆️
  • 37 – Indre-et-Loire – Tours — 149 ⬇️
  • 38 – Isère – Grenoble — 170 ⬇️
  • 39 – Jura – Lons-le-Saunier – 221 ⬇️
  • 40 – Landes – Mont-de-Marsan — 88 ⬇️
  • 41 – Loir-et-Cher – Blois — 157 ⬆️
  • 42 – Loire – Saint-Étienne — 183
  • 43 – Haute-Loire – Le Puy-en-Velay — 125 ⬇️
  • 44 – Loire-Atlantique – Nantes — 106 ⬆️
  • 45 – Loiret – Orleans — 129 ⬇️
  • 46 — Lot — Cahors — 100 ⬇️
  • 47 – Lot-et-Garonne – Agen — 88 ⬇️
  • 48 – Lozère – Mende — 164 ⬇️
  • 49 – Maine-et-Loire – Angers — 152 ⬆️
  • 50 – Manche – Saint-Lô — 125 ⬇️
  • 51 – Marne – Châlons-en-Champagne – 150 ⬆️
  • 52 – Haute-Marne – Chaumont – 152
  • 53 – Mayenne – Laval – 89 ⬇️
  • 54 – Meurthe-et-Moselle – Nancy – 180 ⬇️
  • 55 – Meuse – Bar-le-Duc – 135 ⬇️
  • 56 – Morbihan – Vannes — 98 ⬆️
  • 57 – Moselle – Metz – 287 ⬆️
  • 58 – Nièvre – Nevers – 160 ⬇️
  • 59 – Nord – Lille – 256 ⬆️
  • 60 – Oise – Beauvais – 238 ⬆️
  • 61 – Orne – Alençon — 97 ⬇️
  • 62 – Pas-de-Calais – Arras – 283 ⬆️
  • 63 – Puy-de-Dome – Clermont-Ferrand — 172 ⬆️
  • 64 – Pyrénées-Atlantiques – Pau — 60 ⬇️
  • 65 – Hautes-Pyrénées – Tarbes — 92 ⬆️
  • 66 – Pyrénées-Orientales – Perpignan — 97 ⬇️
  • 67 – Bas-Rhin – Strasbourg – 158 ⬆️
  • 68 – skin rhin – Colmar — 127 ⬇️
  • 69 – Rhône – Lyon — 204 ⏸
  • 70 – Haute-Saône – Vesoul – 166 ⬇️
  • 71 – Saône-et-Loire – Mâcon – 157 ⬆️
  • 72 – Sarthe – Le Mans — 133 ⬇️
  • 73 – Savoie – Chambéry — 125 ⬇️
  • 74 – Haute-Savoie – Annecy — 174 ⬇️
  • 75 – Paris – Paris – 261 ⬆️
  • 76 – Seine-Maritime – Rouen — 149 ⬆️
  • 77 – Seine-et-Marne – Melun – 256 ⬆️
  • 78 – Yvelines – Versailles – 215 ⬆️
  • 79 – Deux-Sèvres – Niort — 118 ⬇️
  • 80 – Somme – Amiens – 254 ⬆️
  • 81 – Tarn – Albi — 176 ⬆️
  • 82 – Tarn-et-Garonne – Montauban — 149 ⬇️
  • 83 – Var – Toulon — 287 ⏸
  • 84 – Vaucluse – Avignon — 221 ⬇️
  • 85 – Vendée – La Roche-sur-Yon — 112 ⬆️
  • 86 – Vienne – Poitiers — 134 ⬆️
  • 87 – Haute-Vienne – Limoges — 110 ⬆️
  • 88 – Vosges – Épinal – High Vigilance — 110 ⬇️
  • 89 – Yonne – Auxerre – 116 ⬇️
  • 90 — Territory of Belfort – Belfort – 102 ⬇️
  • 91 – Essonne – Évry – 214 ⬆️
  • 92 – Hauts-de-Seine – Nanterre – 218 ⬇️
  • 93 – Seine – Saint-Denis – Bobigny – 254 ⬆️
  • 94 – Val-de-Marne – Créteil – 258 ⬆️
  • 95 – Val-d’Oise – Cergy-Pontoise – 258 ⬆️
  • 971 – Guadeloupe – Basse-Terre — 40 ⬇️
  • 972 – Martinique – Fort-de-France — 17 ⬇️
  • 973 – Guyana – Cayenne — 31 ⬇️
  • 974 – Reunion – Saint-Denis — 84 ⬆️
  • 976 — Mayotte — Dzaoudzi — 876 ⏸

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