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Incidence and more: Corona numbers for Bavaria and Germany

About the data

The data used here is updated daily fromRobert Koch Institute (RKI)and fromDIVI-Intensivregisterprovided.

The graphics are updated daily, but the data is only up-to-date to a limited extent: Several days can pass between an infection with Covid-19 and the detection, the report passes through several stations. Since reports are always delayed, the number of cases is also corrected retrospectively. However, this cannot compensate for the fact that the infection development in the last three days in particular appears lower than it actually is due to the delay in reporting. The curve line has therefore always fallen somewhat in the past few days – even if the actual number of cases has not decreased.

Not every infection is detected and reported. Since there are many cases without symptoms or with a mild course, the number of unreported cases is likely to be significantly higher. This is particularly important when examining the cases by age cohort. Some groups will test more than others.

New infections are cases that have been reported to the authorities compared to the previous day. The total cases present the sum of all infections ever reported, including people who have long been healthy and virus-free. The number of cases can only increase. Nothing will be deducted from them, even when the corona pandemic is over. They provide no indication of how many people are acutely infected. Only infections, not recoveries, must be reported.

The DIVI intensive care register is an important data source for various indicators of the utilization of the hospital system due to the corona pandemic. However, the number of corona intensive care patients has only been recorded since March 21, 2020. However, since April 16, 2020, data transmission has been mandatory for hospitals. Since the number of reporting hospitals has increased over time, the information cannot be easily compared with hindsight.

In the data on vaccination, the differences in the reporting channels (vaccination centers, doctor’s practices, private practices, company doctors) mean that no vaccination quotas can be reported at the level of the districts.

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