There is no discussion at Apple and it is very important to get all or most of its employees vaccinated as soon as possible. Therefore are encouraging this vaccination with an aggressive campaign We could say.

Many will no doubt think that “Apple will force” yes or yes to vaccination and those who do not wear it may lose their jobs, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Cupertino company does not force anyone to get the vaccine, but it is trying to make its employees aware of the importance of getting it.

Their vaccination campaign goes a step further and offers great facilities for all those who get vaccinated. These incentives go through having paid leave in the event of side effects, even facilitating or managing work schedules so that they can be vaccinated. Apple, like most of the world’s large multinational companies, is unable to supply the vaccine to its employees on its own;

In California, anyone over the age of 16 can start getting vaccinated by April 15 by appointment, so everyone can take part in this massive vaccination. Apple strongly supports the record-breaking vaccine to combat this coronary virus epidemic affecting the planet, and Tim Cook is one of the most active in this campaign.