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Inaugural lecture professor Monique Veira first female professor of Law Faculty AdeKUS

On Wednesday 14 July 2021, prof.mr.dr. Monique A. Veira accepted the position of professor by giving an inaugural lecture entitled: ‘Partner relations and legal inheritance in Suriname (1869-present)’. Veira is the first woman of the Law Faculty of the AdeKUS to accept this position as professor of Legal Sciences. She thus becomes the 7th professor at the Faculty of Legal Sciences.

During the inaugural lecture it was stated that at the time of the codification of civil law in 1869, the legislator mainly used the law as an instrument to steer the partner relations within the colony of Suriname in a desired direction. In outline, the changes in the legal shares of the partner and the children over the past 150 years are discussed. Marriage statistics regarding the changes in the law were also consulted to determine whether the partner relationships were influenced by the changes in the law of inheritance. Finally, the question has been answered to what extent the legislator has succeeded in pushing partner relations in Suriname in the direction it desired.

It has been more than 45 years since a professor was last appointed at the Faculty of Legal Sciences. The last professor of the Faculty of Legal Sciences to accept the position was Werners in 1974. Veira is the second woman from the AdeKUS to accept the professorship.

After accepting the professorship, the Board of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname established the chair ‘Private law with an emphasis on Inheritance Law’ at the Faculty of Legal Sciences. This chair will be held by Prof. Veira.

Download Monique Veira’s oration booklet through this website.

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