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INASS guarantees healthy nutrition for adults and elderly women in the Bolívar State Residential Center

The National Institute of Social Services (INASS), strengthens and makes new alliances with other entities of the National Government to ensure a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet for adults and elderly residents in the 32 residential centers of the country.

The mission is the full well-being of the grandmothers and grandfathers of the Homeland and the social inclusion of this population with the aim of achieving the expansion of these social programs that the INASS guarantees so that they thus obtain an active, happy and healthy aging.

The governor of Bolívar state, Justo Noguera Pietri, explained that “despite the pandemic, bags of food and medical supplies are distributed to the INASS meeting village Gisela Melgar de Vera, which houses 80 adults and older adults.”

Meanwhile, the director of the INASS Bolívar Center, Magla Ascanio, indicated that “thanks to the management of President Gladys Requena, the allocation of food for the preparation of meals for our grandparents and grandmothers was increased. There are also donations that come from the National Institute of Nutrition, the state government and foundations that offer us a helping hand so that our trees of knowledge do not lack food.

In Bolívar there is an Encounter Village called Gisela Melgar de Vera, where the elderly population is cared for and social protection is provided, “there are 10 adults who for now do not attend the outpatient center, but their food is sent to their homes ”, Ascanio specified. “90% of the items for the feeding of the grandparents is dispatched by the Mercal Network, Pdval Bolívar and donations through different donations”, he concluded.

Even in times of pandemic, all INASS Centers keep their doors open and staff ready for the care and maintenance of those who gave everything for our country.

Currently, INASS carries out an information campaign on social networks that seeks to publicize the work of social workers in residential centers in terms of the care and feeding of the target population. They use the tags #AlimentamosElAmorMayor and #StayEnCasaMayor



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