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Inara Rusli Opens Up about Divorce and Veil in Jakarta Interview


Tonight Inara Rusli will provide some answers regarding issues that are currently developing regarding his household with Virgoun.

Conscious in the process of divorce with Virgoun, Inara Rusli decided to open the veil. She admits that she wants to be independent and work for the sake of her children.

“By saying bismillah, I wear (the veil) because of God, I also open it because of God,” said Inara Rusli when met in the South Jakarta area, Thursday (18/5/2023).

She also had tears in her eyes when she wanted to take off her veil. Inara Rusli has indeed decided to wear the veil for five years.

“Now I want to be independent, work again for the sake of the children,” he continued.

He admitted that his decision was an emergency because he returned to work.

“There is an element of daruroh or emergency here. So I have to remove the veil,” he explained again.

Inara Rusli also asked that no one think badly of him about his decision.

“Hopefully everyone won’t be prejudiced against me. Because I also fight for my children,” hoped Inara Rusli.

Watch VideoHad a Debate with Mother-in-Law, This is Inara Rusli’s Defense


2023-05-18 14:49:28

#Inara #Rusli #decided #open #sheets

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